


Tithing is the biblical term for giving the firstfruits of our labors to The LORD.
It was specifically directed to be ten percent. It was practiced by the patriachs before the Law of Moses was given. Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth of the spol he won in his battle with the kings, and Jacob also promised to give.
The Lord a tenth of all that The Lord gave to him (See Gen. 14:20; 28:22).

Because we in the New Testament are called to the Melchizedek priesthood, tithing is especially important to us under the New Covenant. There were other offerings that one could make to The Lord, but this one was required. In fact, tithe is not just what we offer to GOD from our labor or income, the tithe is was an "ordnance" or "degree" by GOD; as long as we exist in a fruitful, and profitable world which He had made, the tithe is a continual debt we owe to 'pay' to our faithful Creator. Make no mistake about it, however; this is a crucial truth for our times. GOD still honors it just as He promised in Malachi. Tithing is a fundamental discipline of our faith in GOD. Giving the firstfruits of our income to The Lord in the right spirit is an act of faith. You may think that you cannot afford to tithe, but you cannot afford not to.