
Y A H W E Hs A p p o i n t e d T i m e s

Y A H W E H’s  A p p o i n t e d  T i m e s

The Passover
Lev 23:5

The Lamb Of God
John 1:29
The Feast Of Unleavened Bread
Lev 23:6

The Bread Of Life
John 6:35
The Feast Of FirstFruits
Lev 23:10

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
1 Cor 15:20
The Feast Of Pentecost
Lev 23:15-16

The Descent Of The Holy Spirit
Acts 2:1-4
The Feast Of Trumpets
Lev 23:24

The Rapture
1 Cor 15:51-52
The Day Of Atonement
Lev 23:26-27

The Second Coming Of Christ
Matt 24:30-31 NIV
The Feast Of Tabernacles
Lev 23:33-34

The Millennial Reign
Rev 19:11-16 NIV

Leviticus 23 tells us of The LORD's 7 Appointed Feasts for Israel in the Old Testament.
These 7 Jewish feasts today, in the New Covenant, are recognized and appreciated by Jews and Gentiles in Christ as appointments in GOD's biblical calendar. They are “the Feasts of The LORD”—days of ‘holy convocations.’
The first four events have been fulfilled, but the last three will take place soon!

“YAHWEH’s Appointed Times” are the past and future fulfillments of Leviticus chapter 23