Made like unto The Son Of God

Made like unto The Son Of God
In Hebrews 7, we read that, Melchizedek was “made like unto The Son Of God,” and “abideth a Priest continually.” He bore “the Image of God” in His devotion to God’s service, and in His Authority, and was recorded as an immortal High Priest.
He was not a type of Christ, but, as required in God’s Will, was the first human-appearance of “The Priest of God” of old time. He setup and performed the service of High Priest of God on the earth in The Old Testament (Genesis 14:18-20).
David was “a type of Christ,” he was king, priest, and prophet; Solomon was “a type of Christ,” he became the greatest human king that ever lived—by wisdom, splendor, and wealth. And Moses also was “a type of Christ” in the sense that he was sent as a deliverer to the Israelites in Egypt.
But this “Man” in the time of The Old Testament came into the world and received the tithe from Abraham “the father of faith”—to whom God made “the Promise.” He came to setup the eternal priesthood of God on the earth, in Salem.
He was the ancient personification of “The Priest of The Most High,” and “The King of Righteousness”—“The King of Peace” Who is the eternal and only-Begotten of the Father.

He is a Priest forever. And He is a King forever.