
Progressive Revelation Of God

Progressive Revelation Of God

Throughout history, God has revealed Himself progressively to man. The bottom line is it’s safer that way. Man could not handle a complete revelation of God in one dispensation or year or season.
To the antediluvian patriarchs, God revealed Himself as the Father of all.
To Abraham, God revealed Himself as the Lord God Almighty.
To Moses, God revealed Himself as the Only God in existence.
Through Jesus Christ, God reveals Himself as The Son Of God Who gave His life for us.

In the time of the earlier patriarchs, God had not yet revealed in fullness that He is the Only God.
Here is what He said to Moses:
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the Name of God Almighty, but by My Name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.
Ex 6:3 KJV

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew the Name of God, but they didn’t understand Who He is to the depth that He revealed Himself to Moses.
The Name Jehovah means “self-existent.”
The words “God Almighty” are Elohim Shaddai.

God tells Moses in the passage above that the patriarchs didn’t understand that He is more than Elohim Shaddai—The Almighty God. He is not just Almighty (All-Mighty); He is The Only God there is; He is Self-Existent.

This continual progression of the Revelation of God to man is sustained throughout the Bible, culminating in the Book of Revelation, where God reveals Himself as the Groom being married to His long-betrothed.