
The Five-Fold Ministry

The Five-Fold Ministry

The five-fold ministry given to the Church is presented in Ephesians 4:11 in the order of their heavenly ranking.
And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers…

The word “apostle” is not a title, “prophet” is not a title; and neither are “evangelist,” “pastor” or “teacher.” Rather, they are “gifts” to the Church; they are ‘ministry gifts.’ Verse 7 refers to them as “Christ’s gift.”
But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

See the way the Amplified Version puts it:
Yet grace (God's unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ's [rich and bounteous] gift.

In verse 8, we see that Christ “gave gifts to men.”

Wherefore He saith, When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Eph 4:8 KJV

Jesus gives “gifts” to men—not “titles.”

“The Church” is one of the ‘major mysteries’ in the Bible, therefore, God Almighty predetermined special gifts for the Church, which are ‘means for unity’ of the assembly of His people. By the functioning and harmony of these ‘ministry gifts,’ the Church reaches her ambassadorial goal on earth for Christ.

The five-fold ministry is given “for the equipping (perfecting) of the saints,” “for the work of ministry,” and “for edifying of the body of Christ” (see verse 12). They are “offices” of ‘our Call of duty.’ If someone is called to pastor a ‘local Christian assembly’ for instance; that person is called to ‘duty’—to shepherd the sheep of Christ’s flock.

‘Duty’ is an obligation; a responsibility, a job or task.
For example: it is parents’ duty to bring up their children morally and in the way of The Lord. Parents are not given titles over their children; they are assigned as legal and moral guardians over them.
We are simply called to duty!

On a parallel note, if God calls a man as a ‘prophet,’ he is called to “the prophetic office”—not given a ‘title’ by God.
The word “prophet” means “an inspired man.” Under this simple interpretation, then, a prophet is one who gets inspiration from God, by the spoken Word or by vision, or by any other divine manifestation, and what he speaks under that inspiration is prophecy.
A prophet is called to speak and act as God’s interpreter. A prophet is God’s ‘mouth piece.’

God told Jeremiah:
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Jer 1:5 KJV

An “apostle” is a special messenger of Jesus Christ; a person to whom He delegated authority for certain tasks.
An "apostle" is called to advocate justice in the affairs of God's Kingdom government. Apostles are vigorous and pioneering supporters of Christ’s cause.
According to 1 Corinthians 12:28 and Ephesians 4:11, apostles are listed along with prophets as part of the foundation of the household of God.

“Evangelists” are given special commission and grace to effectively proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. They are called specifically to ‘the heathen’—to proclaim ‘good tidings.’  In a more narrow sense, hence this ministry is ‘Word-based,’ they are often “Gospel writers.”

“Pastors” are called to shepherd the flock of God’s people. They are called to lead, nourish and care for God’s people.

God does not recognize men by their “titles”—He knows them only by their names, by their destinies, and by their works.
The hosts of Heaven, and the angelic beings, do not recognize people on earth by their ‘titles’—they only know them by their names, and by their ‘works.’
Also, demons in the underworld, and souls of the wicked in hell, do not recognize anyone on the earth by ‘titles’—they only have recognition of their ‘names,’ and their ‘deeds.’

God names people after their destinies with Him.
Abram (high father) was later called “Abraham” (father of multitude); and Sarai was called “Sarah” (noble woman). Jacob (supplanter) became Israel (prince with God). And, Saul (asked) a citizen of Tarsus, was later named Paul.
But now, this is what The Lord says —
He Who created you, O Jacob,
He Who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
Isa 43:1 NIV

When designation is added to a name by people, it comes with ‘the praise of men,’ so beware!
'Title,' comes only with 'merit,' but any unmerited gift does not come with any title. When we utilize properly any gift given to us by God, He rewards and blesses us.
It is extremely difficult to serve in humility with a 'title' or 'rank’ at our 'Call of duty.' But "the gift of ministry" is given for a 'high Call.'

When the Church accolades these gifts to people as ‘titles,’ it gives room for “every wind of doctrine” juxtaposed by “the trickery of men” in “the cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive” (read 14).
The five-fold ministry is given to the Church to enable her “grow up in all things into Him Who is the Head—Christ” (v.15).
‘All things,’ here speaks of the entire growth of “the body of Christ,” which comprises of:
 “Equipping of the saints,” ministration [good works], edification, and the manifestation of “the gifts of The Spirit”—which also, she is given.
Proper application of the five-fold ministry will bring the Church into “unity”—“the unity of the faith.” And when this is gained, she will attain “the knowledge of The Son of God,” to the point of becoming ‘perfect.’ Only at this point, will the Church reach the measure or degree of the stature of the fullness of Christ.