
The Holy Place

The Holy Place

In the Holy Place stands the golden lampstand, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense.
The Holy Place is a place of service, where the lampstand gives light.

In the soulish realm, the lampstand, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense represent your mind, your will and your emotions. The lampstand is for the illumination of the mind. The table of showbread; for your soul-satisfaction when you surrender your will. And, the altar of incense; for the surrender of your emotions.
The flesh is active in the outer court, but is dismantled in the Holy Place, where the soul comes alive.

At the time of your meditation on the Word, or when you are involved in any other spiritual exercise—when the spiritual Light comes on your life, you're already in—the Holy Place.
In the Holy Place, the Bible begins to make sense, because you have been delivered from the outer court, and satan has no longer access into your mind.

Furthermore, in the Holy Place, our will surrenders. It’s no longer your will, but His Will. Your soul which is your will, intellect, and emotions, must be surrendered too. After you have been born again, your will, intellect, and emotions were still yours, but you cannot worship God in Spirit until you surrender all.