
The Holy of Holies

The Holy of Holies [The Most Holy Place]

The Most Holy Place [the Holy of Holies] houses the ark of the Covenant.
The Most Holy Place is the place of worship.
Only the Glory of God that shone through the ark gives Light in the Holy of Holies.
God’s manifest Presence was revealed to the high priest in the Holy of Holies. Even today, His glorious Presence is revealed to those who seek Him, and then, worship begins.

When we walk into the Presence of God, the flesh and the soul has no place.
In the Holy of Holies, the spirit of man stands alone, alive, naked before His God and Father.
This is the place of the Shekinah Glory.
As the intimacy gets deeper, it’s no longer you and Him; it’s only Him, because the heart beat becomes one, the thoughts, the same, the words one, the action one. Not two spirits, but One Spirit. You become one with Him, and all you see is Jesus.

In the Most Holy Place there is no physical light, no lampstand, and the high priest enters in only once a year. 
How then, does he see where he is going, and not bump on the ark?
And, if he touched it, he would be killed!

What kept him from bumping into the ark?
Only the Glory of God that shone through the ark gave him light.

In the Most Holy, there is blood over the Mercy Seat, Cherubim—the angels of judgment—the same cherubs that kept the way to the Tree of Life, are the same cherubs that protects the ark of the Covenant. They also protect the Glory of God.
The Seraphs of Isaiah 6 declare the Glory of God, and the cherubs of Ezekiel 1 protect the Glory. The living creatures in Revelation 4 are the angels of judgment, and the ark angels are the angels of war. And the other angels are ministering spirits; they bear God's Message and deliver them to the heirs of Salvation.
The cherubs have two offices: protection and judgment.

The Mercy Seat is propitiation, in other word; substitution. Jesus is our substitution, He is the Mercy Seat. He is our covering.

God asked Moses to place in there, manna; which speaks of the Living Bread, Aaron's rod that budded; which speaks of the Power of Resurrection and the Glory of God. And he also placed in there, the Law.
Just like there is a disconnection of the flesh as we step into the Holy Place, even so the soul is disrobed as we enter into the Holy of Holies.
Intercession unlocks the soulish realm.

There are two altars before you get into the Most Holy: "the altar of sacrifice," for the body, and "the altar of incense" for the soul.