
Vision 3 The Harvest

                                              Vision 3: The Harvest

The scene is a large, blue, beautiful ocean with an island in the middle and people on this island who need to be rescued. On the near side of the ocean is a very large, beautiful, peaceful, joyful harbour. A small white train (too small to transport people) continually conveys something between the harbour and the island. On the far side of the ocean are 7 pretty white boats. On the flanks of these are 5 beautiful white and powerful warships. Between these 12 ships and the island are 3 groups of warships consisting of 6 ships in each group. These are black and ugly warships. As the white fleet approaches war breaks out between the 5 white warships and the 3 groups of 6 each black warships. All the black ships are sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Subsequent to this the 7 white boats (first mentioned) pick up all the people on the island and transport them to the harbour. Their arrival is met with great joy.

Interpretation notes:
• Surface of the sea = the Heavenly realm
• Bottom of the sea, including the island where this same sea bottom rises above the surface of the sea = the earthly realm
• The harbour = God's throne
• White train = prayer / the ministry of the Holy Spirit
• People on the island = those living on earth, yet being heavenly minded and destined for salvation
• The first 7 white ships = the overcoming saints of the calling away (also the child of Rev. 12, which = the 144,000 of Rev.14)
• The 5 white warships = Michael and his angels
• The 3x6 black warships = Satan and his angels

Course of events:
• (Refer to Rev 12:5-9 and 14:6-7)
• When the child of Rev. 12 becomes heavenly, war breaks out between Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels. Satan and his angels are cast to the earth.
• Subsequent to this the overcoming child gathers a great harvest from earth.

Note: In the light of the previous visions the battle between Michael and his angels and Satan and his angels occurs during the first 3½ years after the calling away, and the great harvest during the second 3½ year period.