
Vision 4-Seals and Dolphins

                                        Vision 4: Seals and Dolphins

A dam is seen next to the sea. Fish in the dam, tuna-like, only smaller. Some of these fish from time to time leap over the dam wall and into the sea, whereupon they change into seals. There are many great white sharks in the sea and also very many dolphins. The dolphins prevent the sharks from catching the seals. The sharks are afraid of the dolphins and keep their distance. Also in the sea is a great killer whale. However, this whale is friendly, caring and tenderhearted. The whale acts as a leader and wherever he goes, the seals and the dolphins follow. Some of the seals follow reluctantly, yet keep on doing so because of the protection they find in the pack. This process carries on for a long time.
There is a small river connecting the dam with the sea. The fish in the dam cannot enter the dam via this route. However, some of the sharks can enter the dam in this way and they do catch a few fish.
But however, the sharks are not very interested in the fish in the dam. Another river connects the sea with a large beautiful lake, quite a long way away and very high up on top of the mountains. The time comes when the whale indicates that he intends going up the river into the lake. He invites the seals to accompany him. About a quarter of them agree to do so, the rest choosing to remain in familiar waters. When the whale and the seals accompanying him leave, all the dolphins leave with him. They quickly disappear from sight. Sometime after they have left the sharks begin to attack the seals, killing many of them. From the point when the sharks start attacking the seals and onwards, no more fish jump into the sea to be changed to seals.
Then the whale with the dolphins return and all the sharks flee before him. He subsequently takes all the remaining seals (dead and alive) with him to the upper lake.

Interpretation notes:
• The lower dam = physical life as known on earth
• The upper lake = Heavenly, resurrected life
• The fish = natural unsaved people
• The seals = born again Christians
• The dolphins = angels
• The sharks = powers of darkness
• The whale = Jesus Christ
• The sea = spiritual realm
• The river to the upper lake = the narrow way

Course of events:
• Fish jumping into the sea = a leap of faith = being saved by faith
• Subsequent to this Christians follow the Lord wherever He leads (the way is still broad and the reasons for following are often selfish in nature).
• The challenge to follow the Lord into difficult, uphill and unknown conditions is not palatable to many Christians.
• Again we see 'the calling away' as in previous visions.
• Those who heed the call remain with the Lord and His angels and escape the terrible things that shall come to pass after their departure.
• Again we see the saint being delivered into the power of the enemy. This is the great tribulation. During this time of tribulation no-one comes to repentance anymore.

Further notes
• Demonic forces do attack and kill some people in the physical, however this is not a common occurrence.
• All those belonging to the Kingdom of Light (the Whale, the dolphins and the seals) are mammals. Mammals are noted for carrying their young internally and tenderly nourishing it.
• Everything belonging to the kingdom of darkness (fish, depicting fleshly people at enmity with God; and sharks are non-mammals laying eggs and not caring for their offspring at all.
• Note also the change from fish to mammal at being born again.
• Those taken up the river to the upper lake receive resurrection life upon reaching the lake.

We see the called away group (those who follow the Whale up the river) and the rapture group (the surviving seals when the Whale comes to fetch them) and the first resurrection group (the seals who died during the tribulation, amongst others).