
Vision 6-Armageddon

                                             Vision 6: Armageddon

Vision: This vision is seen from out of a heavenly perspective. The cities of the world are shown. USA cities look beautiful, African cities look bad, etc. In the next scene most men on earth assemble for war in a big valley north of Africa. They are led by a person in black on a black horse.
A massively great army comes from the east, Chinese in appearance, and enter into battle with the first group. A great slaughter ensues. Suddenly an army of Heavenly beings on fiery chariots enter the scene, coming out of the heavenlies. These are clad in glorious white garments, shining in brilliance and their leader exceeds all of them in glory. Upon seeing this Heavenly army, the two clashing forces on earth unite and aim their unified attack at the Heavenly army. The leader of the Heavenly army aims his attack directly at the black leader and consumes him with the breath of His mouth. Both earthly armies are utterly destroyed.

Interpretation notes:

• Armageddon (Rev. 19:11 onwards)