
Vision 5-The Pillars

                                                Vision 5: The Pillars

Vision: Very many stone pillars are seen. A man is busy marking them with a hammer and chisel. Details of the mark are not seen. Everyone that is marked is cleaned carefully on the inside.
144,000 (in 12 groups of 12,000 each) are cleaned and marked. There are many more pillars standing around, not having been marked. Subsequent to this, great storms erupt, strong winds and floods.
The marked pillars are immune to these storms, but many of the rest do not remain standing and some even break in pieces. In the aftermath of the storm the man returns and puts all the marked pillars together in a great hall. He then carefully restores every one of the remaining pillars. Those who have fallen down he re-erects, those who have broken in pieces he mends and restores as new. Even in the case of those who remained standing he restores all damage. Furthermore he thoroughly cleanses everyone on the inside. When he has completed this work he puts all of these pillars into a second hall, different from the one with the marked pillars, and he bestows a somewhat greater glory onto these unmarked, restored pillars.

Interpretation notes:
• The marked pillars = 144, 000 sealed ones of Israel (Rev. 7). They will be supernaturally protected during the coming tribulations (the earthly woman of Rev.12).
• The rest of the pillars = all Israel in the flesh.
• Pillars that fell over = death.
• Cleaning on the inside = being given a new spirit and a new heart.

• All Israel shall be restored, not only the living remnant at His coming, but even those who have died. (Ez. 37:1-14; Ez. 35:16-28; Mark 13:26-27)