


There was noise in the outer court, crying in the holy place, but in the Most Holy Place there is silence.

What is worship?
Worship is not a song.
Worship is brokenness. Worship is intimacy and fellowship with God—where you become one with Him. The Blood becomes a reality, and you walk into the Presence of God alone with Jesus.

Praise stirs the soul, worship stills it.
Praise stirs emotions, worship stills it.
Praise activates the soul, worship shuts it down.

Worship dismantles the world from you.
Worship enables you to hear the Voice of the Shepherd.
Worship demands a revelation.

In praise and thanksgiving, it’s your voice, not His, but in true worship, you experience His Voice.

Holiness is a revelation. And this revelation begins to unfold at the altar of sacrifice. This is why we must come to the Cross, and surrender to Him. If you bypass the Cross, you will never receive a revelation of Who God is.
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. To day if ye will hear His Voice,
Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness
Ps 95:6-8 KJV

Worship enables us to hear the Voice of the Shepherd.
Worship begins with a revelation.
There is Rest in worship.

Unbelief kept the people of Israel from entering the real Sabbath—a Day of Rest. Therefore, later, in David, God said: "…there remains another day; a third Day of Rest for the people of God."
As recorded in Hebrews:
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
For He that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His.
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Heb 4:9-11 KJV

In creation, God rested, and today, our Rest in Him is by faith.
"Rest" means you don't have to work; God will do it all. He is "the Man of War"; He will fight your battles.

Worship is our Sabbath.
The coming move of God is going to be a move of worship and exaltation.

According to John 4:21-24, the process of worship really begins when I die; when my body is totally yielded—offered as a living sacrifice.

When a man is joint to his wife, there is a letting go of oneself and union takes place; the two become one flesh. But he that is joint unto the Lord is one Spirit.

The body and the soul are incapable of worship. Only the spirit of man is capable to worship God.
In the blessed place of worship, intimacy with Jesus begins.

You can come into God's Presence in half an hour, an hour, or even in 15 minutes, and when you are in, you are not praising and shouting, you are not crying and interceding, you are just basking, and feasting on His Presence, tears become your language, and quietness your habitation. And you come to the place where silence becomes prayer and prayer becomes silence.