


Intercession comes before worship.
Intercession is stepping into your priestly office.
Intercession at a point begins to break into the third realm [the Holy of Holies] where intercession becomes worship. And when it becomes worship, the place of the altar of incense [place of intercession] becomes a place of transition from the soul to the spirit; from the Holy to the Most Holy.
When this happens, the soulish realm begins to tear away from you, and then, only the spirit man enters into the Holy of Holies.

Just like the smoke of the incense goes ahead of the high priest into the Most Holy Place as he opens the veil, even so, we can't enter into God's Presence without intercession. There, the high priest literally enters into a cloud of smoke, as the light from the lampstand shines through the smoke.
Intercession becomes our worship, and our worship becomes intercession.
Intercessions are the wings of worship. When you intercede, it’s like intercession carries you in. And now, worship erupts.
Intercession brings you into the Holy of Holies. It ushers you into worship.

Brokenness only takes place in the heart of man; in the spirit of man. When brokenness tears off the soul, you now enter into Truth.
And when worship begins, you experience Psalm 46
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

  (verse 10, NIV)