

Once in a while the Lord will give me a word, and it’s usually a warning or a fire and brimstone admonition. I was praying today and asking the Lord if He’s going to give me a 7-day heads up, if the Rapture will be on Rosh Hashanah. I hadn’t heard anything from Him.
Finally, this afternoon I started to get an impression from the Lord, as soft and fine as a wisp of smoke. He does this sometimes; if I try to grab it and hang onto it, I destroy it. So I kept waiting and praying and worshiping Him. If He had a message, He would tell me. Then it started to flow like a torrent. This is what has been impressed upon me. I mainly get IMPRESSIONS from the Lord, and have to be careful how I put them into my own words.
You are free to use this at your own discretion, but I’m only sending it to a select FEW. I just ask you to please leave my name off of it. I really don’t want to see my name pop up on some public bulletin board. I don’t think anyone wants to hear this. This is the Rapture, from God’s perspective.
The Lord is heavy upon me, like I haven’t experienced in a long time.
We all say, “Rapture! Rapture! Rapture!” Why do we want to hasten the Rapture? It is a day of thick darkness, a day of calamity, a day of God’s wrath, the start of the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.
Jesus said, “Behold I come QUICKLY.” That doesn’t mean “soon”, that means “FAST!”
I feel the wrath of God’s anger building like a volcano about to erupt. It’s like I’m standing on the side of a volcano and I can feel the lava down below rumbling and moving, it’s coming up now, and there is no stopping it. Yes, it’s coming, FOR SURE GOD’S WRATH IS COMING. He takes no pleasure in what He is about to do.
God is saying to me, “Yes, it shall be as you say, it’s what you’ve wanted.” (The Rapture soon, but NO DATE GIVEN. It possibly could be the 7-day notice.) But all I see is God’s anger and wrath exploding on earth. He will come down like a hammer in an instant and there will be no stopping Him.
The Rapture will be simultaneous with the start of the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Every time the Lord has given me a Word from scripture when I’ve asked Him about the Rapture, it’s something to do with His wrath and great calamity coming, and the destruction of the wicked.
There will be wars and devastation on a scale we’ve never seen before and we cannot even imagine. God is taking His people out of the way so that this can start. He takes no pleasure in this, just as He took no pleasure in putting Noah and his family on the ark and destroying the rest of the world.
When the Lord gives me a message, it is usually a heavy message like this one. Who would want to hear it?
