
Visions from the Dallas TX Revival 2nd Letter

Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of 1985.

Words Given to Susan:
2nd Letter September 2010
The people should prepare. I am Coming.
They need to be ready at all times. Waiting for Me. Am I not worth the wait? I died for them. I wait on them long suffering to change their hearts toward Me. The day will come when I wait no more. It will be too late for them. They will suffer. Now is the time to come to Me. It will happen soon. I cannot wait on their hearts. Am I not worth it? I died a horrible death for them. They do not know what torture I saw. Am I not worth it? I do everything for My children. I spare no expense. I gave all. I gave them all of Me. I bled out. It was for them. Tell them this. Soon I will come and they will miss the greatest ride of their lives. My Love for eternity. I gave all. I give all. I am a loving God. My heart never stops beating. It is Love never ending. Sad it will be. I gave all. It was for My children. These are My Words. Write this down My daughter My bride, days are getting darker. They need to turn now. I can’t wait forever on their hearts. It will be too late for many soon. It will be too late. Tell them to take this seriously. Soon it will be too late. These Words are true.

Everything I did was worth it. I would die again for My children but they reject My Love, My Salvation, My Spirit and put Me to shame again. I won’t wait forever on them. They will be sad when they realize they have been left. It will be the worst moment of their lives.