
I Am That I Am

His glorious NAMES, designated Titles and divine Office.

The English word: God is translated from the Hebrew word, Elohim—which is a noun implying more than One in unity.
One God composed of more than One divine Person.

The Name Of The Lord is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10 KJV

I Am That I Am

And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His Name? what shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Ex 3:13-14 KJV

“I AM THAT I AM” is the NAME that denotes Who GOD is HIMSELF; HE is SELF-EXISTENT; HE has HIS being of HIMSELF, and has no dependence upon any other: the greatest or best human being in the world must say, only by the Grace of GOD ‘I am what I am’; but GOD alone says, “I AM THAT I AM,” absolutely—greater than men and angels, and all creation.

In the ancient times, HE kept secret from man, HIS NAME, “I AM THAT I AM”. This is why HE said to Jacob:
"Why do you ask My NAME?" (Gen 32:29 NIV).

And HE said to Manoah,
Why askest thou thus after My NAME, seeing it is secret? (Jdgs.13:18 KJV).

The NAME "I AM THAT I AM" is beyond understanding!

At the place of ‘the burning bush,’ GOD gave Moses the fullest proof, not only for the satisfaction of the people to whom he was to be sent, but for his own full conviction, that it was the SUPREME GOD Who now spoke to him.
GOD here proclaims HIS NAME to Moses by an expansion of the title “YAHWEH.”
The NAME “YAHWEH” or “JEHOVAH” is profound, meaning: “I AM THAT I AM”— “I Will Be Who I Will Be.”
The four-letter Hebrew word YHWH is the NAME by which GOD revealed HIMSELF to Moses in the burning bush (Ex 3:14).
This bush was a vivid symbol of the inexhaustible dynamism of GOD Who burns like a fire with Love and Righteousness, yet remains the same and never diminishes. Some English translations of the Bible translate the word as “Jehovah”, while others use “Yahweh”.

The NAME “I AM THAT I AM” is the Divine NAME GOD gave to HIMSELF; all other NAMES of GOD and HIS designated Titles in the Bible are NAMES HE received from men—from the faithful Patriarchs of old, as the trustees of specific Covenants in the past, and by prophecy and revelation through prophets, apostles and eye-witnesses of HIS Holiness, HIS divine Glory, divine Majesty, and divine Office.
Only the NAME “I AM THAT I AM” is the NAME HE revealed to man all by HIMSELF, of HIMSELF, without the process of prophecy, revelation or knowledge through man.

The NAME “JESUS CHRIST” is the NAME by which men are saved (Acts 4:12). It is the NAME which is above every name; at The NAME of JESUS every knee should bow, for, being found in fashion as a man, HE humbled HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (see Phil 2:8-11).
On the other hand, the NAME “JESUS CHRIST” was not revealed in the Old Testament, but in accordance with the FATHER’s Will, Purpose, Plan, and Design, for the redemption and salvation of man, HE came into the world, at such a time predestined by GOD, in the time of the Law, through a miraculous Virgin-Birth, as the human-Divine SON OF GOD, and by HIS life, teachings, works, and ministry on earth, HE established a New Covenant—which was accomplished by HIS Blood on Calvary.

The NAME "I AM THAT I AM" speaks of GOD's Personality, HIS Attributes, HIS Works and Manifestation, both in the Old and in the New Covenants.
Just as the NAME “JESUS CHRIST” is the NAME above every other name, even so, the NAME "I AM THAT I AM" is the NAME OF GOD that presents HIS Fullness:
HIS Holiness, HIS Righteousness, HIS Glory, HIS Kindness, HIS Wrath, HIS Power, et cetera.
By the NAME “I AM THAT I AM,” GOD is known forever as the GOD of all the redeemed saints of all generations.
By the NAME “I AM THAT I AM,” the true worshippers, who worship GOD in spirit and Truth, know HIM, and distinguish HIM from all the false gods. GOD proved this to Prophet Elijah, when he had a contest with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

"I AM THAT I AM" is the Triune GOD—revealed and yet to be revealed! For no one else in history is like HIM, history itself belongs to HIM. HE is "I AM THAT I AM"; HE has been from the beginning: without beginning of days, and without end of life.

"I AM THAT I AM" is One.
GOD is "I AM THAT I AM" all by Himself.

"I AM THAT I AM" means "the same yesterday, today, and forever."
HE is Eternal and Unchangeable, and forever the same; HE will be what HE will be, and what HE is.
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, Which is, and Which was, and Which is to come, the Almighty.
Rev 1:8 KJV
Let it suffice us to know that HE is what HE is, what HE ever was, and ever will be; "Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come.”

"I AM THAT I AM" means "All In All"; "Unlimited."
And you know the word "unlimited" means: complete or total; not subject to qualification or exception. The word "unlimited" means: infinite, inestimable, unrestricted, unrestrained, boundless, unconstrained, without end, endless.

"I AM" is Eternal.

"I AM THAT I AM" presents GOD in the past, the present, the future, and in eternity.
Men do not fully know GOD by this NAME, for, GOD has not yet fully revealed Himself to us, while we are still clothed in flesh, here on earth.
Lo, these are parts of HIS ways: but how little a portion is heard of HIM? but the thunder of HIS Power who can understand?
Job 26:14 KJV

HE is Faithful and True to all HIS Promises, Unchangeable in HIS WORD as well as in HIS Divine Nature, and not a man that HE should lie.
“I AM THAT I AM” is the Supreme Being.

Who hath ascended up into Heaven, or descended?
Who hath gathered the wind in HIS fists?
Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
Who hath established all the ends of the earth?
What is HIS NAME, and what is HIS SON’s NAME, if thou canst tell?

Proverbs 30:4 KJV