
Vision 16: The Two Witnesses

Vision 16: The Two Witnesses

Vision: Two people descending out of Heaven, coming down to Jerusalem are seen. The name of the one is Elijah, the name of the other is 'Take Out'. They witness concerning things to come and concerning the Kingdom of God; they encourage the Christians and even release some from prison in a manner similar to the angel who released Peter. They also speak against the Antichrist, thereby infuriating the masses who worship him. This carries on for 3½ years and nobody is able to harm them because of their supernatural power. And then suddenly they are caught, bound and stoned to death and their corpses lie in Jerusalem to be seen by all the world. After 3½ days life enters their bodies and they ascend to Heaven in the sight of all, and together with them all the remaining Christians on earth who have not taken the mark, many of these ascending out of prison cells and torture chambers. In the meantime the Antichrist has declared war on a powerful coalition of enemies. Despite his supernatural abilities his forces are beginning to lose the battle. At this point Jesus Christ, with His heavenly host, descends to earth. The two fighting forces unite as one against Him and are destroyed totally.

Interpretation note:

• The English translation of Moses is 'Take Out'.