
Vision 17: The Desert Road and the Forest Road

                         Vision 17: The Desert Road and the Forest Road

Vision: There is a lion and the Lord invites it to follow Him. It agrees joyfully. There are two roads to travel, a desert road and a forest road. The Lord leads it onto the desert road. As the last of his four feet touches the sand he is turned into a camel. The camel safely traverses the desert road, led by the Lord. It is dealt with bountifully and provided with ample food and water, even more than is really necessary. At the end of the road it wants to know why the Lord did not choose the forest road and is allowed the opportunity to see what would have happened had he perhaps insisted to take that road: As the (initial) lion enters the forest it changes into a lamb, but without the accompaniment of the Lord. Many lions attack and try to devour it. It has to run for its life. It does manage to safely reach the other side, but only with great difficulty and distress. Having seen the answer to its question, the camel thanks the Lord profusely.

Interpretation notes:
• Note the change from a lion (old selfish life) to a camel (new life of servanthood). Changed from a carnivore to a herbivore.
• It is best to submit to the Lord's way.

• See how the Lord equips you for the road He chooses for you and leads you through and does not forsake you along this way.