
Vision from the Lord Sept 11, 2010

Vision from the Lord
Letter Received Sept. 11, 2010
Write it down My Love. You are My Love. You are faithful and loyal. I know all. I am with you. I will never forsake you. Your love is true. But you need to listen to what I have to say. These are My Words. Write them down.
I am coming soon. All is ready for ME to come. The time is drawing near. It is closing in. We will fly away soon. All is prepared. Life here is drawing to a close. The peace on earth will be lifted and exchanged for darkness—it will be utter darkness. Souls will cry out for relief. They would not follow ME when I gave them a chance. Over and over I have tried to warn them. They refuse to listen. Their worldly pursuits were more important to them. You can’t have both ME and the world. My Love will never compare to this world. Their choice is a sad choice. (I think HE meant that they chose the world over HIM).

They need to run quickly to ME now, while there is time left. Soon this door will shut and all will go black. I am making My pleas through My humble servants—I am warning through disasters—I am putting up all the signs—and yet people will still not believe. What must I do to get through to them?

They are making their choices now. I cannot help if there will be regret later—I have given them ample opportunity to choose. The choice is theirs to make. I cannot plead forever. My Kingdom is coming and I am ready—ready to assume My role as King of kings and Lord of lords over all. This is My destiny to fulfill.

Time is short. I will take back My Kingdom—the people have a choice to make. My Promises will be fulfilled—all will come to pass as it is in My Word. My Promises are being fulfilled right now—I am true to My Word. The clock is ticking. The people must get ready—the evil nation is forming, while they stand idly by.

Allow me to rescue them or be swept away in the flood of what is coming. Please Church wake up! This is the final hour. Why are you so sleepy? The people are not being warned. Read My Word. There is nothing happening that has not been foretold. I am coming soon and it will either be a great moment or the worst moment. Choose what moment you want to live in—with ME in My Kingdom or with the enemy in his eternal kingdom. The lines are being drawn. You must decide. Love or hate—My Ways are simple—surrender to ME or be left behind to face destruction. I Love My children—but they must choose. I gave Myself for them—I ask no less of them.