
Vision from the Lord Sept 8th 2010

Vision from the Lord
Letter Received 8 Sept. 2010
“Listen to the speaking of My Voice. The days are getting darker. Soon all will be dark. The people need to see what is coming and hear My Voice. We are getting close to the end of this age. All is growing dark. These will be hard times for those left. My Love will sustain them, but it will be hard for them. All will be dark very soon.
Each day will be added upon another. The dominoes are falling—everyday will be worse than the previous. Headlines will continue to grow darker. Men’s hearts will fail them. Tribulation has begun.
Write it down. Today we are much nearer to the end than a week ago—each day we draw closer—it is coming. I am Coming. Life here is closing down. The people are leaving soon. It will come. It will come fast. The end is near.”

“Write it down. You have My permission to put those Words out. Now is the time. Do not delay. Time is short. Lives are at stake. We are nearing the end. All is getting dark. A perverse nation is forming—the ‘one world government.’
Write it down. Warn the people. Time is short. Darkness will prevail for a brief time in history and then I will come with My saints to destroy the enemy and all he stands for—for a time a time and a half. Anyone who wants to escape this madness needs to turn right now to ME, your Savior. There is no other way to the Father, but through Me. Don’t be deceived. There is no other way. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Deceptions are running amuck. The people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. They follow deception. The devil prowls like a lion looking for who he can destroy. Choose life, not death. You have a brief time left to choose. Choose ME and find Freedom…freedom to fly to safety among My Loved ones to Peace and Love Everlasting, Divine Love, Pure Love.
The people need to act now—turn before it is too late without ME. They will be lost and there will be no escape from hell. I can keep them from this destiny…destiny to destruction. My Way is Peace, Wholeness, Forgiveness, Truth, Love. My Way is Righteous. With My Right Hand I guide, guard, protect. I am a Loving God. But to reject ME is death, eternal demise, eternal loss. There is no turning back once you have made this choice.

Don’t be deceived by the world—the world is corrupt. It is an enmity to ME. I will spit it out and all it stands for. Time is short. Choose life or death. I am Life. Choose ME, choose Beauty, choose Love, and choose well.”