
A Glimpse of Our Homecoming By RITA

A Glimpse of Our Homecoming!!!
23rd March 2010
I wanted to share a dream I had a couple weeks ago. I was falling asleep in that space between sleep and awake (I call that twilight dreaming), and was thinking what it will be like when we finally get there. So, I asked Him [the Lord] to show me.
The next minute, I was standing at the Eastern Gate of Heaven and I got to see a glimpse of our Homecoming!! It started as a flat picture, then turned into the real thing, like I was walking into a movie.
From a distance, I heard roar of the crowds first. The hosts of Heaven, the angels and all of the saints have arranged an elaborate parade to welcome us all home, folks, complete with confetti and streamers! It was accompanied by the loudest sound I've ever heard. People were cheering louder than the Superbowl. Everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs with joy. Countless MILLIONS were raising their voices together.
Keep in mind that I've spent my career in recording studios with the volume cranked up to the ceiling, probably much louder than most of you have heard. I also ran an amphitheatre of 17,000 seats here in town for five years, and have heard cheering for the best this planet can offer. I have heard the white noise sound when all of the screaming girls went crazy for the New Kids on the Block. Many, many others. I have stood in the middle of Soldier Field in Chicago on the 50 yard line hearing one of the top bands at their invitation. Let me tell you that NONE of these came close to the celebration that is coming for us.
I also got to see some angels and how HAPPY they were to see us make it back home. They understand all of the pain and trials we go through down here. I found it so unusual seeing such muscular, masculine creatures filled with such joy and concern. Most "masculine" men here would never dare show emotions like this. The looks on their faces were so completely empathetic and joyful! We were in a huge processional parade led by our King!
The gates are filled with the brightest light that emanates from the walls, it is just as Oden Hetrick describes in his book, "Inside the Gates of Heaven." They are gorgeous and pearly white from the light. Our bodies were also beautiful, but different than I expected, almost translucent. Our faces were pure white, but looked like us. The colors were more vibrant in some ways, and more subdued in others. I'm an artist, and notice details like this. Lots of rainbow-like pearly colors at the gates.
More good news... I saw members of RITA starting to recognize each other and beginning to flock to one another with great happiness, each carrying their RITA rose.
A sense of peace and joy just flooded me. I no longer worried about the cares here in this world, and was only focused on my King. It was what I call “a flash dream,” it was there for an instant, and then it was gone. I've had many of these before.
I can tell you after seeing and hearing this that no matter WHAT we have to go through in the coming days to get there, it will be worth it. Spread the word “Our King is COMING Soon!” You won't regret it.

Hang in there everyone. DON'T give up! You DON'T want to miss this party!!! DON'T let ANYONE take your crown. The treasures there are eternal!