
The Doors

The Doors
So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Matt 24:33 KJV.
Let’s not overlook the Lord’s statement about “the doors.” Most people pay little or no attention to this expression. Yet it is very important in understanding and “rightly dividing” the truths set forth in this parable.
Notice that the word is “doors,” not “door.” It is plural rather than singular. It is also plural in the Greek text. Check it out for yourself.
When the Lord used the plural form, “doors,” in relation to “the kingdom of God” being near, He was pointing out a truth to His disciples that is commonly overlooked. The Lord pointed out that there are two doors connected with the revelation of “the Kingdom of God,” and therefore two different times for the “doors” to open.
The first “door” is found in Revelation 3:8. In this verse the Lord told His New Testament Church, “…..behold, I have set before thee [in your future] an open door, and no man can shut it:…” The exact expression in the Greek text is, “…..a door having been opened…..” This “open door” in the future of the Lord’s Church is “the door in Heaven” that New Testament believers will go through as they enter “the Kingdom of God” at the time of “the Rapture.” Glory!
Proof of this statement is found in Revelation 4:1. In this verse the exact same expression occurs, word for word, in the Greek text, that the Lord gave to His Church in Revelation 3:8. This verse in the Greek text literally reads, “After these things I saw, and behold a door having been opened in Heaven: and the Voice which I heard at the first as of a trumpet speaking with me, saying, Come up hither, and I will show to thee what things must take place after these things.” This verse, occurring at the end of the prophecies about the Church Age, and at the beginning of the prophecies about the Tribulation, quite obviously typifies the Rapture of New Testament believers into “the Kingdom of God” in Heaven. This is the first “door” of the “doors” the Lord spoke about in connection with “the Kingdom of God” in Matthew 24:33, Mark 13:29, and Luke 21:31. Then what is the second “door”?

The second “door” is found in Revelation 19:11, where John wrote, “And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness He doth judge and make war.” This verse and the context, speaks of the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ back to this earth at the end of the Tribulation to destroy His enemies and establish “the Kingdom of God” upon this Earth. Though the word “door” is not used in this verse, it is clearly implied. In the Greek text the word “opened” in this verse is the exact same word used, and in the same tense, as the word “opened” in Revelation 3:8 and 4:1.
Therefore 7 years after the first “door” is opened ushering New Testament believers into “the Kingdom of God” in Heaven, the second “door” will be opened allowing the Lord and all the glorified saints to return to Earth to establish “the Kingdom of God” upon Earth. Read Matthew 6:9-10, and rejoice! Praise the Lord!
Remember, the Lord said, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.”
Praise the Lord!
Folks, the Rapture of God’s people is right at the “door