
The Prophetic Significance

The Prophetic Significance
In the Book of Deuteronomy and the Book of Joshua there is a parallel to “this generation” that I believe is prophetically significant.
I urge you to study the chronological record of events involving Israel, as recorded in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Moses led Israel out of Egypt 2,513 years after the creation of Adam. Due to their unbelief and rebellion, the Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness. As the end of that forty years was approaching, Moses began delivering his final messages to Israel on the 1st day of Shevat, the 11th month on the Jewish calendar (Deuteronomy 1:3). The ministry of Moses was concluded and he died on the last day of that same month; the Jewish month of Shevat, Deuteronomy 34:5-7. The children of Israel mourned for Moses 30 days, the whole month of Adar on the Jewish calendar, Deuteronomy 34:8.
Then on the 1st day of Abib [Nisan] on the Jewish calendar [a new year], the Lord commissioned Joshua to take the children of Israel across the Jordan into the “Promised Land,” Joshua 1:1-9. Ten days later on the 10th day of Abib, the children of Israel came up out of the Jordan River and entered the “Promised Land,” Joshua 4:19.

Because many of God’s people don’t seriously study Bible chronology, they don’t realize that almost immediately after entering the “Promised Land,” the Israelites began fighting a war against their enemies that lasted seven (7) years.

There is a parallel between Israel’s first 40 year “generation” some 3,400 years ago, and this “last generation” that we are living in today.

Forty-two + years ago [June, 1967] Israel regained control of the city of Jerusalem and the Temple mount. At that time they had an opportunity to rebuild their Temple and renew their covenant with God. But because of the unbelief of their “faithless” leaders, those unbelieving leaders gave most of the territory they had gained, including their beloved Temple Mount, to their sworn enemies. Over these past 42 years Israel has continued in “spiritual blindness,” wandering in the wilderness of this world, always seeking “peace,” but finding none, and being constantly hated and oppressed by their enemies. Now here at the end of “this generation,” Israel still faces the 7 years of Tribulation. Is there not a parallel to be seen here?

We are living in the very end of “this generation” as shown on the Hebrew Calendar.
The Jewish Civil Year 5769 ended on Rosh Hashanah in 2009, and the Jewish Civil Year 5770 began. However, on the Sacred Calendar that the Lord Himself gave to the Jews in Exodus 12, the Sacred Year 5769 ended and the Sacred Year 5770 began on March 29th – 30th, 2010. Glory to God!

Every area of life as we have known it in the past is collapsing. There is no question in my mind that total collapse will occur very soon. The economy will collapse, our money will become worthless, more businesses and factories will close, thousands of people will be without work, gas and food shortages will develop, utilities [gas; water; electricity] will fail, all forms of communication will break down [yes, even your computer and cell phone], crime will mushroom, law enforcement and governmental authority will break down, and people will be left to their own resources to provide for themselves and their families or starve and die. Martial law will be declared and the authorities will oppress and enslave the people. Humanity is now facing a time unlike anything they have ever seen before in human history. If any reader doesn’t believe this, it won’t change the truth one bit. Just keep breathing and you will see major changes for yourself.
But don’t despair! In this dark forecast there is a bright side!

Again, in Revelation 3:10 the Lord said to His Church, “Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”

We are living in the very end of “this generation” on the Jewish calendar. It is time for God’s people to “look up” and get serious about living for the Lord. It is also time for every lost sinner [one who has never received Christ as their own personal Savior] to get serious about seeking the Lord for the salvation of your soul. Quit playing games with God. Since the Lord uses the Jewish calendar in prophetic reckoning, you may have another 30 days or so to “prepare to meet thy God,” and you may not have even another day or another hour. God have mercy!

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming very soon. Don’t put Him off. Get the eternal destiny of your soul settled NOW.