
Vision 30: Further Revelations

                                      Vision 30: Further Revelations

The scene is shown in Heaven. All the overcomers are gathered together before the throne of God. God Himself is seen as a Light (very bright) sitting on His throne. The earth is shown to be in a terrible state of destruction. This is the picture shortly after Armageddon has taken place.
God sends His messengers (angels) to fetch the forbidden books in order to show these to His children. The first book is opened and rolled out upon the table. It shows a vision of the first (silver) earth with water under the earth as well as water above the earth, many plants and animals, beautiful strange animals, also dinosaurs, peace and tranquility rules.
The second book shows how something went wrong and the animals started to grow fangs and started killing one another. God said this was not good. He opened up the fountains from beneath the earth and simultaneously caused the water above the earth to come down. Everything died and the earth remained covered with water. It became void and empty and remained like this for a very long time.
The third book shows God's plans for the second earth. He started off by restoring a small part of earth (the Garden of Eden). Again something went wrong and He had to take man out of this garden.
At this stage the rest of the earth was also filled with plants in order for man to live. Subsequently the garden was transferred into the Heavens and is known as the Paradise. Christians who died, not being overcomers, stay here. Those who have overcome are found in what may be described as a higher Heaven before God's Throne. God then announces to the overcomers that they now have a free hand to restore the earth that had been destroyed. They draw up plans and everything happens as they planned it. God also appoints them to rule over earth for the next thousand years.
For the first number of years many of the people on earth still transgress and are punished for it, many even die. As time goes by these transgressions become less frequent and most people live throughout the next thousand years.

In the meantime God causes a new earth (the gold earth) to be made, apparently by the overcomers. This having been finished God announces that He will show them something. Something like a big door is opened in the Heavens and the Heavenly Jerusalem is seen descending down onto the top of the New Earth amidst a special song being sung by the angels (and overcomers). God announces that in this city are homes for all the overcomers and they may take possession of it. The people surviving on the old earth will fill the rest of the New Earth.