
Vision 31: The Image of the Man

                                     Vision 31: The Image of the Man

An image is shown of a man: a head of gold, from the neck down to the waist is silver, from the waist to the knees is iron, from the knees to the ankles is bronze, and the feet are of clay. Times are allocated to the various parts. From the toes to the ankle (the clay part) is 3½ years. Likewise the bronze part equals 3½ years. The iron part is also 3½ years. The silver upper body equals 1000 years. The golden head equals eternity.
As time starts counting down and the first 3½ years are completed the feet of clay crumble and the image drops down and stands on the stumps of bronze. Time moves on and as soon as the next 3½ years are completed the bronze lower legs also crumble and the image now drops down and stands on the two knees. After the next 3½ years the iron upper legs likewise crumble and the image now ends up standing on the hips. The moment the next 1000 years are completed the silver upper body also crumbles. However, just before the golden head would have struck the earth a hand reaches out and catches it. It is then lifted up and put atop an image that is all gold, perfect from head to toe, and a Voice says: "This shall never fall. It shall stand forever."

Interpretation notes:
• The moment the 'calling away' occurs the time countdown starts at the toes of clay.
• After 3½ years have elapsed, this very weak world government system is replaced by a stronger one.
• After a further 3½ years the Antichrist takes over with an iron fist, declaring himself as god.
• The 3½ year period that follows this, is also known as the Great Tribulation.

• Once the Antichrist is disposed of at Armageddon the Millennial reign of Christ commences and lasts for 1000 years, at the end of which Christ hands over the Kingdom to the Father, and of this final Kingdom there shall be no end.