
Vision 32: More concerning the Overcomers

                        Vision 32: More concerning the Overcomers

The scene is the Overcomers in Heaven before God's throne. The timing is directly after 'the calling away'. Two large, beautiful, powerful angels (possibly Michael and Gabriel) flank the throne. One of these is sent to fetch a certain specific forbidden book (a very thick book roll). He then stands on a podium and from the book roll divide the Overcomers into two groups. The one group is called The Messengers, and their immediate task will be to proclaim God's messages on earth and to bring in the harvest. The other group is called The Warriors, and they will execute God's judgments over the ungodly in the coming period leading to the Rapture. They will also participate in the battle of Armageddon. Concerning the Messenger group, they are depicted as a 'holy object in the temple of God', whilst the Warriors are depicted as 'pillars in the temple of God'. The Messengers are given authority over all the messenger angels and the Warriors are given authority over all the warrior angels. Each one's position and task is allocated to him in accordance with the book roll.
One of the Messenger Overcomers sees that his wife on earth who has not yet given her life to the Lord is about to be killed by Satan's angels in a car accident and he asks for help from the Lord.

The Lord replies that He loves him and will always be there to give him counsel but that he now has the freedom and the authority to do as he sees fit also in this case. He then asks one of the Warrior Overcomers to send assistance in order to save his wife from death. Four warrior angels are sent and they fight off the attack against her. After this he sends two angels to go and speak to his wife so that she can understand the Truth and turn to the Lord. In this way she is saved and subsequently she uses all her money and influence to help other Christians and to warn them concerning things to come. This causes great joy amongst the angels in Heaven.