
The Excellence of Wisdom

The Excellence of Wisdom
Proverbs 9:1 says Wisdom has 7 pillars.
Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out
 her seven pillars (KJV).
Wisdom has the perfect number of pillars—7 pillars!
We are God’s habitation; His dwelling place. He assembles each and every one of His children as ‘materials for building an edifice’ in Christ, unto perfection in Him.
By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
Prov 24:3 NIV

Wisdom hosts a royal banquet!
Listen to Wisdom's Invitation (chapter 8).

In Isaiah 11, we read of the prophecy of the Righteous Reign of "the Branch from David's line"—the King of Peace Who is to come.
This prophecy by Isaiah reveals that there shall come forth 'a Shoot out of the stock of Jesse' [David's father]; a Branch out of his roots which shall grow and bear fruit. He will finally establish the Eternal Kingdom of Peace.