
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Spirit of the Lord [the Lord Himself]
The Spirit of Wisdom [Wisdom Divine]
The Spirit of Understanding [Divine Understanding]
The Spirit of Counsel [Divine Counsel]
The Spirit of Might [the Power of God]
The Spirit of Knowledge [Divine Knowledge]
The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord [the Fear of the Lord]
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord
Isa 11:1-2 KJV
We have freely received the Holy Spirit, Who is “the Promise of the Father” as prophesied in Scripture.
Wisdom comes from Him; He is the Spirit of Wisdom.
Divine Understanding comes from Him; the Spirit of Understanding.
He is the Spirit of Counsel that gives us Counsel.
He is the Spirit of Might by Whom we are endued “with Power from on high.”
Knowledge comes from Him; for He is the Spirit of Knowledge.
And, the Fear of the Lord is inherent in us by the same Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.

CHRIST is THE WISDOM OF GOD (see I Cor. 1:24).
HE is UNDERSTANDING PERSONIFIED (Prov. 8:14), Whom we must receive and comprehend (4:7); we appreciate HIM by knowing HIM personally (9:10).
HE is THE SPIRIT OF COUNSEL—Counsel and Sound Judgment are HIS (Prov. 8:14). HE is wonderful in Counsel … (Isa. 28:29).
HE is THE POWER OF THE OMIPOTENT GOD. HE comes in Great Power (Jdgs. 14:6; I Sam. 16:13; I Kgs.18:46). In HIS hands are Strength and Power (I Chron. 29:12). HIS Power is vast (Job 9:4); who can understand the thunder of His Power? (26:14).
HE is THE SPIRIT OF KNOWLEDGE. By His Knowledge the deep fountains of the Earth were broken open, and the clouds let drop the dew (Prov. 3:20). Prudence and Discretion dwells with HIM (8:12). Harmony, Insight and Inspiration comes only through the Knowledge of the Holy One (30:3). The Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Isa. 11:9).
THE SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD teaches GOD’s children THE FEAR OF THE LORD (Psa. 34:11). The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and of Knowledge (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7). The Fear of the Lord is the only True Wisdom (Job 28:28). The Fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever (Ps 19:9). Without the Fear of the Lord, we cannot serve the Lord faithfully and wholeheartedly (2 Chron. 19:9). The Fear of the Lord adds length to life (Prov. 10:27). The Fear of the Lord is a Fountain of Life (14:27). The Fear of the Lord is the Instruction of Wisdom (15:33). Humility and the Fear of the Lord bring Wealth and Honor and Life (22:4). The Lord is the Sure Foundation for our times; the Fear of the Lord is His Treasure (Isa 33:6).

Matthew 2:23 states that, the Lord Jesus went and lived in a town called Nazareth, so that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled:  “He shall be called a Nazarene”— referring to Isaiah 11:1 which used the word, “Branch,” meaning: ‘Separated One’ (or a Nazarene).
Nazareth, a town in Galilee, separated, generally supposed to be the Greek form of the Hebrew netser, a "shoot" or "sprout."

Wisdom is personified in Proverbs 8.

In Revelation 5:5 He is the Root of David Who has prevailed!