
VISION By Evangelist Sarah Ingram

VISION By Evangelist Sarah Ingram
My name is Evangelist Sarah Ingram, and I had a vision on 7th of November 2009 in the vision I was standing in a court of many people and as I stood there something drew my attention to the sky and as I looked up I saw the sky open just a little and I saw Jesus and because I have had many visions and saw Jesus in the sky but he will usually show me signs of things to come so in the vision I referenced this and begin looking for the sign in which He wanted to show me, and it was at that time I began to raise up out of my body and then time was no more.
Now I posted this dream on my facebook page and the next day I received a call from one of my sisters in Christ which had to share with me a week prior she had a vision and she and I were sitting in a room and Jesus showed her three signs and after the signs she repented of all that she may have fell short of and after then she said the Spirit spoke to her and said there would be no more signs and after then she saw Jesus and she and I were caught up and then time was no more.
Thank you for being here I have been looking because the Spirit revealed to me that others have had these same dreams within the last 30days and they will increase until He comes. Now I want to say I have always witnessed Jesus coming since a little child but I have never been caught up and it was not because I was not ready but as God revealed so I would take notice of the time and season we are in this very day.

Two previous visions I had before these:
First one was anywhere from 4 to 6 months ago and I was in this large place and was seated at a table with some people I knew from ministry and while we were seated I was drawn to look in the sky and when I looked up I saw Jesus and the Rapture had come but I was not taken up and as I inquired I went into observe mode which I be in a lot when God show me things that are to come. So as I observed I went to the people and asked do you guys not know that Jesus have raptured the Church and they responded no. And I was just going around looking and observing people was not otherwise minded.

Second dream was maybe about 2 or 3 at the most months ago and I was out again amongst a crowd of people and I looked into the sky and it was as night and what caught my eyes was the stars begin to form something and as I looked the formed horses that was lining up in formation so I said oh Jesus is coming but while I was in a prophetic move a few days after that God revealed to me what the sign meant and He sent me to Revelation 6:1 and let me know that those were the horses and that they had already rode out and as He revealed this to me, I saw an angel with a sword and He went out in vengeance and then I saw soldiers walking the streets of my city Dallas, Texas…