
“You Will Not Be There” By Steve & Stepheny

“You Will Not Be There”
By Steve & Stepheny
October 14th 2009
Cynthia and I have a friend named Dana, and this evening she called us to relate a dream that she had. In the dream she was in some type of "town meeting." There were a lot of people there, and all of them were to be voting for either the "Public Option" or "God." Dana knew that she was going to be the only one voting for God. All the others would be voting for the "Public Option." She suggested that they vote for God, but they all got angry with her and mocked her. So when voting time came she wrote on her voting sheet, "God". And by that she wrote "Jesus" to make sure that God was not the Moslem god or Hindu god, etc.

A tall man was standing behind Dana when she cast her vote, and when he saw her write "Jesus" he said, "Praise Jesus!" She turned to look at him and asked him what it meant concerning voting for the "Public Option" versus "God." He said to her twice, "It does not matter, because YOU WILL NOT BE HERE."