
Blood Moon Prophecy

Blood Moon Prophecy

Pastor John Hagee and Mark Biltz stated that there would be a tetrad—a series of four consecutive Blood Moons [lunar eclipses]—coinciding on Jewish Holidays. It began with the April 2014 blood moon, serving as a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.
On April 15, 2014, there was a blood moon [total lunar eclipse]. It was the first of four consecutive blood moons [total eclipses in a series], known as a tetrad; a second one took place on October 8, 2014, third one on April 4, 2015 and the remaining one will take place on Monday, September 28th, 2015 – on the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).

For the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon to be in a perfect alignment to have a Blood Moon on an exact date of God's Feast is beyond coincidence. This is an astronomical occurrence.
We are entering the time zone when world history will change forever; this will involve Israel.
Each time the blood moons connect with events concerning Israel, it goes from tragedy to triumph.
A partial solar eclipse, visible to South Africa, and Namibia, among other countries took place on September 13th 2015.
The next Blood Moon will be on Monday, September 28th 2015. It will be experienced by Europe, South-East Asia, Africa, much of North America, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica.
Abuja, Lagos and several other cities and towns in Nigeria will also experience some parts of this phenomenon.
The blood moon [lunar eclipse] is an astronomical event that occurs when the Earth comes in-between the sun and the moon, and the Earth cast its shadow on the moon, so that the moon appears reddish.

This September’s full moon which will also be a Blood Moon, will present the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad: four straight total eclipses of the moon, spaced at six lunar months (full moons) apart.
It happens to be the closest Supermoon of 2015—the Northern Hemisphere’s Harvest Moon—the Southern Hemisphere’s first full moon of spring.
For Israel and the Jewish people, the High Holy Days this year mark the end of a significant seven-year cycle and a rare fourth Blood Moon.
This combination will have a huge impact on the world!
This September is significant in Jewish, American, and world history.

“Shemitah” is connected to the sabbatical.
Israel keeps the Shemitah every seven years. It ends on the 29th of the Hebrew month of Elul, which this year falls on Sunday, September 13.
God told the Jewish people to sow in the land and reap its produce for six consecutive years. Then, on the seventh year, they’re commanded to let the land lie fallow.
People from all over the world who've never heard of the word “Shemitah” are all of a sudden looking and trying to explore what is its significance, because of all the global events that are happening that are unusual.
Christian Author and Jewish Rabbi, Jonathan Cahn raised the idea of the Shemitah's connection to the global economy in his book, “The Mystery of the Shemitah”, which warns of trouble ahead for America.
"I believe a great shaking is coming to America and the world. I believe a shaking is coming that will strike the financial realm, economic realm and even a shaking that's greater than that," Cahn said on The 700 Club.
There's a correlation between financial downturns in the United States and the end of the Shemitah year!

In 1980 was a recession and then the stock market collapsed; there were '87 stock market collapses.  The worst point percentage crash in history was 'Black Monday.' In the Shemitah of 1994, the bond market collapsed, it was referred to as “the bond market massacre”—it was the greatest bond market crash in history. In the year 2001 the stock market collapsed— this was ‘recession’.  September 2011 (9/11), was the shaking.
“Shemitah” also means shaking.

The end of the Hebrew month of Elul ushers in the start of the Jewish High Holy Days, beginning with Rosh Hashanah—day of sounding of the shofar; the Jewish New Year.
And 10 days later comes “Yom Kippur”, the holiest day of the Jewish year. "Yom Kippur in the Bible is ‘the day of tshuvah’; the Day of Atonement.
God didn't leave His people without hope. Within a few days, the joyful ‘Festival of Sukkot’, the Feast of Tabernacles, begins.
Blood Moon on the first night of Sukkot will be the fourth on a Jewish holiday in two years.

The occurrence of Blood Moon Tetrad happened only four times in the last 500 years. The last tetrad to occur on Jewish festival before this one was in 1967, the one before was 1948 and the one before was all the way in 1492. And those are major years in Jewish history and in the history of the world.
Those dates include the Six Day War, the birth of the modern State of Israel (reuniting of Jerusalem under Jewish sovereignty), and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain hundreds of years ago.

God is giving signs to the world and signs to the Jewish people that He is doing something great for us and for the world. So it's a sign of excitement, it's a sign! The Blood Moons are a sign of excitement and they're a sign of Messianic advancement.
The Blood Moons also serves as warning of coming divine judgment upon an ungodly and sinful world!