
Rare Blood Moon

Rare Blood Moon

The Next Blood Moon will be one of eight tetrads during the 21st century AD.
The solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 is connected
in the middle of the sequence of the recent tetrad.
Pastor John Hagee, of Cornerstone Church wrote the book: “Four Blood Moons”, which became a best seller, spending more than 150 days in's top 150 by April 2014. For the week ending March 30, 2014, it was the ninth best selling paperback, according to Publishers Weekly. By mid-April, Hagee's book had hit No. 4 on the The New York Times best-seller list in the advice category.
John Hagee's book claimed that every prior tetrad of the last 500 years coincided with events in Jewish and Israeli history that were originally tragic, yet followed by triumph. Once again, for Israel, the timing of this tetrad is remarkable.
This book gained mainstream media attention in publications such as USA Today and The Washington Post.
Earth & Sky reported receiving "a number of inquiries about Blood Moon", prompting a response.

Mark Blitz, of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington wrote a book titled: 'Blood Moons’ which decoded imminent Heavenly signs'. This book reveals that historical blood moon tetrads coincide with significant historical events of Israel and Jewish people. These include the formation of the Jewish state in 1948, the Six-Day War for Jerusalem and even the Expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492.
The current tetrad of blood moons have coincided with Biblical feasts, with Passover beginning on April 3rd, and September 28th  this year marking the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Mr Blitz said: "The last time there was a tetrad was back in the 1900s, and to my amazement, they also fell on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles.”

While Americans watched the latest blood moon in April, the Ukrainian government launched its first offensive to take back buildings occupied by Russian-backed separatists.
According to Bible prophecy, world history is about to change dramatically.

When the Earth eclipses a full Moon, the direct sunlight is blocked, though the sun's rays still light up the moon.  The Moon looks red during a Total Lunar Eclipse.
Blood Moons coincide with important Jewish festivals. The two April Blood Moons [lunar eclipses] in 2014 and 2015 occurred at the same time as Passover, while the October and September Blood Moons occur during the Feast of Tabernacle.
This is all connected to bible prophecy of the end times

The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) begins at sundown on September 13.
It’s followed closely by the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), which begins at sunset on Tuesday, September 22, and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, September 23.

A Blood Moon is a Total Lunar Eclipse.
The Next Blood Moon (Total Lunar Eclipse) will be on Monday 28th September 2015
When you see these signs - and four blood moons, it’s a very significant one - the end of this age is coming.
According to NASA, the current century – 2001 to 2100 – will have eight tetrads. The first tetrad of the 21st century took place in 2003, and the second happens in 2014-2015.

Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse