
Worship in Spirit

Worship in Spirit
“When even the most humble church sings to My Father with true love in their hearts, He silences all of Heaven to listen to them. He knows that one cannot help but to worship when they are beholding His Glory in Heaven, but when those who are living in such darkness and difficulty sing with true hearts to Him, it touches Him more than all of the myriads of Heaven can.
Many times, the broken notes from earth caused all of Heaven to weep with joy as they beheld My Father being touched. Every time I see My brethren  touch Him with true worship, it makes the pain and grief  I knew on the cross seem like a small price to pay. Nothing brings Me more joy than when you worship My Father. I went to the cross so that you could worship Him through Me. It is in this worship that you, the Father and I are all one.
Giving My Father joy for just one moment would have been worth it all. Your worship can cause Him joy every day. Your worship when you are in the midst of difficulties touches Him even more than all of the worship of Heaven. In Heaven, where His Glory is seen, the angels cannot help but to worship. When you worship without seeing His Glory in the midst of your trials, that is worship in Spirit and in Truth.
The Father seeks such to be His worshippers. Do not waste your trials. Worship the Father, not for what you will receive, but to bring Him joy.

You will never be stronger than when you bring Him joy, for the Joy of the Lord is your Strength.”