
Abide In My Presence

Words of Truth
“Abide In My Presence”
“Depression is the deception that comes from seeing the world from your perspective. Truth comes from seeing the world through My eyes from where I sit, at the right hand of the Father. Like the cherubim in Isaiah 6, those who abide in My Presence will say, “The whole earth is filled with His Glory.”
When you dwell in My Presence, you will not see anything but Glory. This does not mean that you will not see the conflicts, confusion, darkness and deception that are in the world, but when you see them, you will always see My answer to them. When you abide in Me, you will always see how Truth prevails over deception, and you will see the manner in which My Kingdom will come.

When you start to live by what you see with the eyes of your heart, you will walk with Me, and you will see My Glory. The eyes of your heart are your window into the realm of the Spirit. Through the eyes of your heart, you may come to My Throne of Grace, at any time. If you will come to Me, I will be more real to you. I will also trust you with more Power.”