
Manna for Today!

Manna for Today!
“The Lord speaks every day to each one of His people. They cannot live by bread alone; but must have the words that proceed from His mouth.
Many are weak because they do not know how to gather the manna that the Lord gives to them each day. They go astray because they do not know His Voice. His sheep know His Voice, and they follow Him because they recognize it.
The manna is the Bread of Life that each of His people is given each day.
His manna may come to you through the words of a close friend or one of His people who lived long before you as you ponder their writings. Many repeat the words that He has spoken, but His manna is the Word that He is speaking now.
We need the strong meat of the Scriptures to build ourselves up and give us the container for gathering His manna. Grow strong on the meat of His written Word, but also develop a taste for His manna.
The meat of His written Word will build us up and prepare us for what is to come, but manna will sustain us through what lies ahead.
Manna is the Bread of Life—the Living Words which He speaks to His people daily and are spoken through His people. The Scriptures are set and cannot be changed. They are the anchor for our souls. However, the Book of Life is still being written. He writes a new chapter in the Book of Life with each soul that comes to Him.”
If you are to know His Words, you must know both the Scripture and His manna. The Scriptures are His eternal plans that will not change which we must know to walk in His ways. His manna gives us the strength to walk each day. This is so that we might have fellowship. “…if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another…” (1 John 1:7KJV)
Just as the sure communication between a general and his soldiers can determine the outcome of the battle, the strength of His communication with His people will determine their victory or defeat in the days to come.

All of His people must know His Voice. The time will soon be upon us when all who do not know His Voice will be deceived by the darkness.”