

“The Authority that the Lord is about to give His people is the Anointing for true Unity.
When there was just two brothers on the earth, they could not live in peace with one another.
From Abel’s time until now, mankind has walked in the way of increasing darkness.
Prophetically the Church knows that murder will be released on the earth as never before. Even the World Wars were but birth pangs leading to what is to come. But remember this: ‘Love is stronger than death.’ The Love that the Father is about to give to those who serve Him will overcome death.”

“Abel’s blood still speaks. The blood of every martyr still speaks. Your message will live on if you trust in the Life that you have in God more than you trust in the life that you have on earth.
Do not fear death, and you will overcome it. Those who do not fear death will have the greatest message during the times we are entering, when death is released on the earth.”
“The Blood Sacrifice has already been made for us. We must continue to trust the Power of the Cross, for it is greater than life. When you trust the Cross, you cannot die.
Those on earth have power for a time to take your earthly life, but they cannot take your life if you have embraced the Cross.”

“A great unity will come to the Lord’s people who dwell on the earth, because of the discord and conflict that arises in the darkness, the unity of His people will be a sign that the whole earth will see. His disciples will be known by their love, and love does not fear. Only true love can bring true unity. Those who love will never fall. True love does not grow cold, but true love does grow.”