
A Warning

A Warning
“There is another wisdom that is not the Wisdom of God. It is the wisdom of the enemy. Sometimes, he can be difficult to recognize because he tries to appear as Wisdom, and he is very good at it. The Scriptures reveal that he comes as an “angel of light,” having ‘a form of truth’ and wisdom, but we must be able to distinguish them from the Truth—we must be able to distinguish them from Wisdom. If for a moment you start to think that you can’t be fooled by him, you better learn that you can still be fooled by him.”
“The wisdom of man can never outsmart the enemy—our defense is to learn to first recognize, and then resist him.”
“True wisdom is to seek JESUS—THE WISDOM OF GOD. Any wisdom that does not lead you to Jesus is a false wisdom. Jesus will always set you free. False wisdom leads to bondage. However, true freedom often looks like bondage at first, and bondage usually looks like freedom at first.”
“Suspicion is not the same as true discernment, but if you are going to suspect anything, suspect what seems easy. You are not going to find ‘easy’ any path that has been right.
“Taking the easy way may be the surest way to be misled. Right now the whole world is in the power of the ‘false-wisdom,’ and you will have to overcome the world to fulfill your destiny.”
“There can be no victory without a battle, and the greater the battle, the greater the victory. What makes it easy is that the Lord always leads us to victory. If you stay close to Him, you will never fail. After every battle, every test, you are much closer to Him and know Him much better.”
“False wisdom is the deceiver; he always tries to get you to seek yourself—to be self-centered. The call to fulfill our destiny is not for our sake, but for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of His people.”
“Has anyone ever made it to their destiny without being tricked?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Even the great Apostle Paul admitted to having been foiled by satan. Peter was tricked a few times that were recorded in Scripture, and we do not know how many other times that were not recorded. But don’t be overly concerned about being deceived. That is actually one of the devil’s biggest traps. He sidetracks many by having them fear more in his power to deceive than to have faith in the Power of The Holy Spirit to lead them into all truth. Those who have fallen into this trap not only fall into increasing bondage to fear, but they will attack anyone who walks in the freedom that comes with faith.”
“It takes faith to keep going, but there are those who chose to follow fear rather than faith. They begin to think that fear is faith and actually see the walls of fear as strongholds of truth—whereas, such are prisons. Fear distorts vision and can make one to start seeing strongholds that way. One of the most powerful deceptions of all is the fear of deception.”

“This life is a temporary journey used to prepare those who will reign with Christ over the age to come as sons and daughters of the Most High forever. Every trial is for the purpose of changing us into His glorious image. One of the first things we must learn on this journey is not to waste a single trial, but to seize them as the opportunities that they are. If your path is more difficult, it is because of your high calling.”