
Love Releases Life

Love Releases Life
“Adam was given authority over the earth, but he gave it to the evil one by obeying evil. The evil one now rules in Adam’s place and in the place of man. The earth was given to man but the evil one took it. The authority Adam lost was restored by the Cross.
Jesus Christ is ‘the last Adam,’ and He will soon take His Authority and rule. He will rule through mankind because He gave the earth to mankind. Those who live in our times; being the sons of God will prepare the earth for Him to rule.”
“How do we prepare for Him?”
“ ‘Love.’ We must love one another.”
“We must love the earth—His creation, and we must love life.”
“The sin of Adam and Eve released the death that now flows as rivers upon the earth. Love from within us will release ‘Rivers of Life.’”
“When evil reigns, death is stronger than life, and death prevails over life.”
“When righteousness reigns, life prevails, and life is stronger than death.”
“Soon the Life of the Son of God will swallow up the death that was released through Adam’s disobedience. Death is our enemy. We are called to be messengers of Life.”
“When the Lord’s people begin to love, He will use them to release His Judgments. The whole world is groaning and travailing as it waits for His Judgments, and when they come, the world will learn righteousness.
What He is about to do, He will do through His people, and His people will stand as Elijah in the last days. Their words will shut up the heavens or bring rain; they will prophesy earthquakes and famines, and they will come to pass; they will stop famines and earthquakes.”
“Now, Adam knows Authority. He also knows the responsibility of Authority. Because of the great authority that he was given, he is responsible for what has happened to the earth. Even so, the Grace of God began to cover him, and God’s great Redemption will soon swallow up Adam’s mistake.”
“Peace will be taken from the earth, but we are called to help restore it. Peace prevails in Heaven, and we are called to bring Heaven to earth. Those who abide in His Presence will know Peace and will spread Peace.”
“The earth itself will shake and tremble. Times of trouble greater than have ever been known will begin to move across the earth like great waves of the sea. Even so, those who know Him will not be troubled.”
“They will stand before the raging of the sea and say, ‘Peace, be still’ and the seas will be calm. Even the least of His little ones will be like a great fortress of peace that will stand through all that is coming. His Glory will be revealed to His people first and then through them. Even the creation will recognize Him in His people and will obey them as it does Him.”
“This is the Authority that Adam had, and it will be given to mankind again. Adam used his authority to turn Paradise into a wilderness. The Lord will use His Authority to turn the wilderness into Paradise again. Be careful how you use authority. With authority comes responsibility. You, too, can use it wrongly, but you will not do this if you love. As all of Heaven knows, ‘Love never fails.’ ”
“All of the death that is coming upon the world is being allowed to prepare the way for life. Everything that is sown must be reaped, unless those who have sown evil call upon the Cross in Spirit and Truth. The army of the Cross is about to be released, and it will march in the Power of the Cross, carrying the offer of Mercy to all. Those who reject the Mercy of God have rejected Life.”
“We must walk with God and learn of His ways. Our authority is His Authority, and we must be one with Him in order to use it. The weapons of His army are not carnal—they are spiritual and much more powerful than any earthly weapons. Our most powerful weapons are Truth and Love.”
“When truth spoken in love is rejected, death has been chosen over Life. Jesus came to give Life. He does not desire for any to perish, and this must be our desire also. The time has come when time itself seem to speed up. As it is written, when He comes, He will come quickly. However, we are not to fear the times. If we fear Him, we do not need to fear anything that is coming upon the earth.”

“All that is about to happen is coming so that His Wisdom can again prevail on earth just as it does in Heaven. All of the evil that was sown in mankind is about to be reaped. Even so, the good that He has sown will also be reaped. Goodness is stronger than death. He walked the earth to destroy the works of the devil, and He will finish what He has begun.”