
How to Partner with Your Angels

How to Partner with Your Angels
Kevin Basconi

Everyone has a guardian angel!
But, Many people's angels are UNEMPLOYED!!!
Because they don't know how to cooperate with them!

There are ways that we can cooperate with our angels!
Psalm 103:20 declares, “Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His Commandments, hearkening unto the Voice of His Word” (KJV)
As we degree God's Word, His angels hear those Words. "The fragrance of Heaven" is attached to "the Logos!" As we speak God's Word, the angels recognize it and begin to go forward to bring "those things to past!"
God's angels also heed "the Rhema" Word—as we receive it from the Holy Spirit, or maybe, a prophetic word that's been given to us that is truly of God; as we decree that and speak it audibly, the angels go forward to bring those things to past."

There are Millions of UNEMPLOYED Angels!

GOD's desire for us is that we can get Revelation, that we can “COLLABO” with His angels!
God's angels work for us as we proclaim the Promises in His Word!

When we begin to talk about God's angels and teach about them from the Kingdom perspective and Scripture, they get excited because, God's angels will have no other testimony when they stand before "God's Judgment Seat;" than what they have done to “collabo” with God's people—His children—those who have received JESUS CHRIST "Yeshua" as Messiah.


As God's people ‘press-into’ this aspect of GOD's Kingdom, more and more people are going to see and discern God's angelic host who are all around us, busily working every moment, every day!

As we open our mouth and begin to pray in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST against the demonic, GOD releases His mighty warrior-angels to fight and war on our behalf to overcome the demonic, by the BLOOD OF CHRIST!
We have the Right and the Privilege to CO-LABOR with GOD's angels to battle on our behalf!
According to Luke 9:1 ‘we are given Power and Authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.’
The key is that when you observe the demonic and unclean spirits, you must take authority over them, you must bind them, and you must cast them out!
Cast them out, into the pit!

The LORD JESUS sends out His healing angels, angels of supernatural provisions and creative-miracles, and warrior angels into different nations; to further the Kingdom of God, and to minister in nations and cities—for ministries and individuals!

GOD wants His people to understand that they have the privilege to CO-LABOR with angels!

It is extremely important to pray in the Spirit; in supernatural languages—in tongues.
As we pray with understanding at times through the unction of the Holy Spirit, we can pray in "new tongues" with the understanding that we are releasing GOD's angels!
Many times as we are praying in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit is CO-LABORING with us, to release, activate, or loose GOD's angels to go forward into 'our spirit of influence,' on "Missions of Mercy" upon the earth!
The results can be amazing and incredible!

We can WITNESS the angelic ministry!
We can DISCERN GOD's angels during worship and see into the spiritual realm!

The angels were created by GOD for His Purposes; one of those Purposes is to worship the LAMB OF GOD—JESUS CHRIST!
As we adore the LAMB OF GOD through worship, we attract angelic activity!
As we worship the FATHER and the LAMB, GOD's angels get excited, they dance, they sing, they play instruments!
Amazing things take place during the times of worship; if we would exercise our spiritual senses, according to Hebrews 5:14
The time of worship is an opportunity to begin to discern and see GOD's angels!
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (KJV)

The Angels of Heaven love to worship the LAMB OF GOD!

GOD sends His angels to minister for us according to Hebrews 1:14 and Psalm 91 model; we can ACTIVATE our guardian angels to MINISTER for us!

Sometimes GOD opens the eyes of 'some people' who do not know Him, to see His angels; if GOD can open up the eyes of an ordinary person to see His angel, what more can GOD do for those who know the LORD as Messiah?

Psalm 91:12 reveals that each one of us has a guardian angel!
“They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone” (KJV)
In Matthew 18:10 Jesus said, “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in Heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in Heaven (KJV)
If we have guardian angels when we were little children, do we lose them when we grow up?
The answer is No!
What happens is that our mindsets change; we grow up from having a childlike mindset to an adult mindset—no longer believing that it is possible for our guardian angels to continue in active service on our behalf.

Everyone has at least one GUARDIAN ANGEL!

GOD sends His angels into our lives, our families, our states, our nation, for our good and for the advancement of His Kingdom and Government.
Sometimes, GOD gives us the privilege to CO-LABOR with the angelic hosts! 
JESUS CHRIST is the Leader of the Army of Angels!
He is the Captain of the Host (Josh. 5:14).

Elisha prayed in 2nd Kings, he said: “Lord, I pray thee, open my servant’s eyes…”
GOD opened the young man's eyes to see the angels, and chariots all on the mountain.
And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha (6:17 KJV)

As you begin to set your mind towards GOD in Heaven, He will begin to open up your eyes, so you can see that "those who are for you are more than those who are against you!"

He will ACTIVATE the eyes of your heart, and ENLIGHTEN your spiritual discernment so that you may recognize the TRUTH of the Kingdom of Heaven—He will give you REVELATION so that you may CO-LABOR with GOD's angels.