
The LORDs Builders

The LORD’s Builders
Rocks like fortresses made of silver; trees perfect and full.
A river fed by streams flowing from every mountain around it.
Water sparkling with a blue that is the bluest tint matching the sky.
Perfect blade of grass with a valley filled with many kinds of animals breed  with no diseases or scars.
What a desirable place!
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. Each of My houses will be a fortress from which I will send out My armies. Some will go forth as knights to fight for the poor and oppressed, while others will go forth as small companies who will raid the strongholds of the enemy and bring back the spoils.some will send forth a host to conquer cities over which My Truth and Righteousness will reign, and others will join with armies from other fortresses to liberate whole nations with My Truth, My Love and My Power.”
“The fortresses of My Kingdom are not just for the protection of My people, but for mobilizing, training and sending forth My army throughout the earth. The darkest of times will soon come, but My people will not be found hiding. They will go forth to conquer evil with good. They will conquer by not loving their lives even unto death and by loving others more than their own lives. These will be the fearless ones whom I will send forth before I return.”
“Even the prophecies of their coming strike terror into the hearts of My enemies. They will have no fear. They will love. Love is more powerful than fear, and their love will break the power of fear that has held mankind in bondage since the beginning. Because they have chosen to die daily, the fear of death has no power over them. This will give them power over every enemy whose power is fear. I was once dead, but now AM ALIVE FOREVER, and those who know Me cannot fear death. Therefore, those who know Me will follow Me wherever I go.”
“Each of My dwelling places is alive with the life that was in the earth before the Fall because in My Kingdom the Power of My Redemption has brought forth true Life again. My dwelling places will only be found where all of My streams flow together into one. Just as great houses need different craftsmen, so does My house. Only when they work together, can they build My house.”
“My builders have the wisdom to complete the survey before they build. Each of My houses will fit perfectly into the land where they are located, not according to human measurements, but according to Mine. The first skill that My builders develop is the skill of surveying. They must know the land because I designed the land for My people. When you build with My Wisdom, what you build will fit perfectly with the land.”
“Be courageous and strong. Fear must not rule over you—do nothing because of fear. Do what you do because of love, and you will always triumph. Love is the source of courage. Love will prevail in the end.”