
7 Days of Praying for Your Family - DAY 6

Use of Time

Pray for your parents:
• Pray that your parents would use their time wisely.
• Pray that they would remain occupied, useful, and fully engaged in life throughout their latter years.
• Pray that they would walk fully in their calling so they will have no regrets.

Pray for yourself:
• Pray that The Lord would help you seek Him first every day, and that He would help you accomplish all that needs to be done after that.
• Ask God to order your steps according to His Word.
• Pray you would know clearly when to say “yes” versus “no” to commitments for both yourself and your children.

Pray for your children:
• Ask The Lord to show your children the value of their spare moments.
• Pray that they would develop godly pastimes that will benefit their lives in the long run.
• Ask God to give your children a spirit of excellence.
• Pray your children would be diligent in their schoolwork and other responsibilities.