
7 Days of Praying for Your Family - DAY 7


Pray for your parents:
• Pray they would stand strong in The Lord all the days of their lives.
• Pray that they would leave a godly inheritance to their children and grandchildren.
• Pray they would fully perform God’s purpose for their lives, leaving no task undone for which they were created.

Pray for yourself:
• Pray that you would clearly discern God’s call on your life.
• Pray that God would show you how to raise up your children into their own callings.
• Pray that The Lord would help you and your children to keep your priorities in proper order.

Pray for your children:
• Pray that your children would know exactly what God has called them to do from an early age.
• Ask God to give your children influence for Him.
• Pray that they would be filled with The Spirit and power, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, the children to the fathers, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.
• Ask The Father to give your children the heart for soul winning—to reach the nations with the Gospel.