

Part 1
"But, in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, The Mystery of God will be accomplished, just as He announced to His servants the prophets" Revelation 10:7
When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, the Mystery of God will be accomplished—His secret design, His hidden purpose, as He had announced to His prophets.
The Mystery of GOD is beyond all human questioning, and without controversy. It is great indeed, important and weighty. The Mystery of God (referred to as The Mystery of Godliness in I Timothy 3:16) is 'the hidden Truth' of God.

"Beyond all question, The Mystery of Godliness is great:
He appeared in a body,
  was vindicated by The Spirit,
  was seen by angels,
  was preached among the nations,
  was believed on in the world,
  was taken up in glory"
  I Timothy 3:16

Some Bible translations used the phrase: 'the mystic secret.'
The Mystery of God is beyond all question, but the answer lies in Christ, Who came to earth in the likeness of man; made visible in human flesh, proved spotless and pure, justified and vindicated by The Holy Ghost.

It has been explained that in Genesis 1:1 the word for “GOD” in the Hebrew—the language in which it originally was written—is Elohim—meaning more than One Person forming One GOD.

The Mystery of GOD is beyond all human questioning, and without controversy.
GOD indeed is a mystery beyond the powers of human conception. But, the knowledge of GOD is revealed only to those that fear Him.
GOD is Spirit, but He appeared in a body. “The Word became flesh, and dwelt amongst us” but, He was vindicated by The Spirit.
He is Omnipresent—present everywhere at the same time, but, His manifest Presence is not revealed everywhere—to every person.