

Part 2
The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is The CREATOR of the universe, the world, and everything in it. He created man in His own Image. He exists in ETERNITY with divine Nature and Character.
His attributes include: Love, Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Justice, Mercy, Truth, Faithfulness et cetera. He is presented as King, Judge, and Shepherd. He binds Himself by Covenants with His people.
He has a personal appearance, like man do, and He is proactive—being in very nature GOD ALMIGHTY. As well, He can react to a situation—For instance; He could be angry and even jealous.

God's Plan—His secret design; His hidden purpose, is revealed only to His people—His servants, and the prophets. Intellectuals and experts in sciences cannot know it, in spite of all their efforts to research, and find out the true meaning of life.
They are unable to search-out "the scheme of things."
The accomplishment of His Will can only be availed through His sons. That is why the unveiling of mysteries are only announced to His servants the prophets.
The Wisdom of God is a Mystery. But; this mystery has been unveiled to us by His Spirit.

Though there are mysteries that The LORD our God has unveiled to us, there are secrets He has not revealed unto us. Also, God chooses to reveal some things to His people, and some other things to kings, and rulers.

The knowledge of GOD is given only to those who fear Him. Also, His manifest Presence is only revealed to His people not to every person. He is truly omnipresent—present everywhere at the same time, but, His manifest Presence is not revealed everywhere, or to every human person.

The FATHER of the GOD Family is The HEAD—The Lawgiver—The Creator. Yet He created everything through JESUS CHRIST (Eph.3:9).
Christ carried out The Father's orders, by speaking, as The Father had directed. In the creation, "He spoke, and it was done" (Psa.33:9, Gen.1:3).
The Holy Spirit is The Power that produced what He Commanded (Gen.1:2). Thus, in John 1:3, "All things were made by Him"—by The Logos (The Word), who is Jesus Christ (verse 14).

Faith in the One True GOD has become basic to the proclamation of Christianity. The Character of GOD The Father and Christ The Son is that of spiritual Holiness, Righteousness and absolute Perfection. His Character is summed up in the one word LOVE.
GOD’S inherent Nature is LOVE, PEACE, JUSTICE, MERCY, HAPPINESS and JOY radiating toward those He has created!
When He deals with us, He is Righteous, Faithful, Just, Merciful, Loving and Compassionate.