
Heaven Changes Everything

          Heaven Changes Everything

                       Living Every Day with Eternity in Mind.

Buddhist Monk Hell and Heaven Testimony

Buddhist Monk Hell and Heaven Testimony
Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paul

The Remarkable Testimony of a Buddhist monk in Myanmar (Burma) who came back to life a changed man!

Pyan Shinthaw Paulu was born in Myanmar. He became a Buddisht monk. At age of 21, he had yellow fever and malaria. Because of complication of his illness, he died and went to hell. He found out the most respectable person was in hell. He also met Peter and he got a Message from him in Heaven.

Tabernacle Teaching Entering Gods Presence

Tabernacle TeachingEntering God’s Presence
Discover the symbolism and significance of the sanctuary designed by God and built by the children of Israel in the wilderness. This rich and detailed teaching unveils historical and spiritual treasures about the Tabernacle’s revelation of Jesus in its design and function.
By using the example found throughout Scripture, wilderness sanctuary, Pastor Benny offers a sweeping panorama into both the majesty and reality of entering into the Presence of the Lord.
Discover for yourself how to experience true worship and how your life can become a sanctuary for God’s Presence!

Click the buttons below to Download Pastor Benny’s teaching series!

                   Jesus Revealed In The Tabernacle - Lesson 1

                  Jesus Revealed In The Tabernacle - Lesson 2

                 Jesus Revealed In The Tabernacle - Lesson 3

Jesus Paid it All

Oh, nothing but the Blood of Jesus
 Can wash my sins away.

Oh, nothing but the Blood of Jesus
 Can make me whole today.

Oh, nothing but the Blood of Jesus
 Can cleanse me today.

I’ve been redeemed

 By the Blood of the Lamb.

A Divine Revelation of Heaven by Mary K. Baxter

A Divine Revelation
of Heaven

by Mary K. Baxter

This book is an account of a number of true experiences I have had with God. It is not the work of an overactive imagination or the pipe dream of someone who hopes for something better than this life has to offer.
Heaven is a reality, and the experiences I describe in this book are told just as they happened to me. I did not see everything there is to see in Heaven-it will take eternity to do that. I do not relate everything I saw in Heaven; even Paul did not do that. (See 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.) But I am relating all that God has told me to share.
I want to give special honor and thanks to my pastor, the Reverend Dr. T. L. Lowery, and to his beautiful wife, Mildred, for their support, encouragement, and valuable contributions in this endeavor. I also would like to express my sincere gratitude for the staff of the National Church of God and for the Reverend Marcus V. Hand for his editorial guidance on this book. Additionally, I gratefully recognize and credit all those at Whitaker House in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who have been instrumental in so many ways in making both “A Divine Revelation of Heaven” and “A Divine Revelation of Hell” available to the reading public.
I am grateful to God who has called me to share this message. I thank you who have strengthened and encouraged me in my God- called ministry. God bless you all!
-Mary Kathryn Baxter

The inspired writings of Mary Kathryn Baxter are divinely anointed by God, and they have blessed hundreds of thousands of people. I believe it is of utmost importance to widely disseminate the message that God has given to her. She shares these experiences in hundreds of churches each year, and she has now put them down in book form.
As Mary Kathryn Baxter’s pastor for several years, I know her personally, and I fully endorse her ministry. God has placed His approval on her work by anointing her ministry and by giving this message such a wide acceptance.
This book is the result of many prayers, tears, and hard work. I pray that its wide distribution will be the cause of many souls coming to know the Lord and making preparations to spend eternity in Heaven!
-T. L. Lowery, Ph.D.

For this purpose you were born
To write and tell
What I have shown and told you,
For these things are faithful and true.
Your call is to let the world know
That there is a Heaven, and there is a hell,
and that I, Jesus, was sent by the Father
To save them from torment
And to prepare them a place in Heaven.
In “A Divine Revelation Of Heaven,” Mary describes the incomparable wonders of Heaven , the indescribable beauty of God that is evident all around His Kingdom,  the joyful citizens of Heaven of various nationalities, dressed in robes, the Cherubims of Glory and Seraphs of Heaven, and myriads of angels that obey God’s Command.
Mary was escorted into Heaven through the magnificent gate of solid pearl. She saw the indescribable landscape of The New Jerusalem with the most beautiful, colorful flowers, the Throne of God, the Lamb's Book of Life, the River of Life, mansions and lovely celestial homes, the glittering-diamonds for the soul-winners, and treasures of Heaven.
This Book also reveals “the perfect divine order and purpose which characterizes everything that happens in Heaven. Both angels and saints are continuously engaged in excellent, joyful service. No one is idle. No one is ever bored. Heaven is a Fair-Land—a busy place, filled with great excitement, and industrious enterprises.
God’s children, as well as the angels and all the heavenly creatures, serve Him day and night forever.

From the Throne of God. I could see a panoramic view of events that were taking place. I saw the same scene that John saw in his vision that he described in Revelation:
Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.
(Revelation 5:11)

God’s throne was "high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). Coming out from under the base, the River of Life flowed in its beauty and purity. The Glory of God overshadowed the Throne. It seemed that lightning, thunder, and voices were all around the Throne. John, in describing a vision he had of Heaven, said,
And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
(Revelation 4:5)

About the Author
Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was brought up in the house of God. While she was still young, her mother taught her about Jesus Christ and His salvation.
Kathryn was born again at the age of nine teen. After serving the Lord for several years, she backslid for a season.
The Spirit of the Lord would not release her, and she came back and gave her life anew to Christ. She still serves Him faithfully.
In the mid-1960s Kathryn moved with her family to Detroit, Michigan, where she lived for a time. She later moved to Belleville, Michigan, where she began to have visions from God.
Ministers, leaders, and saints of the Lord speak very highly of her and her ministry. The movement of The Holy Spirit is emphasized in all her services, and many miracles have occurred in them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of power are manifested in her meetings as she is led by the Spirit of God. She loves the Lord with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength and desires above all else to be a soul winner for Jesus Christ.
She is truly a dedicated handmaiden of the Lord. Her calling is specifically in the area of dreams, visions, and revelations. She was ordained as a minister in 1983 at the Full Gospel Church of God in Taylor, Michigan. She now ministers with the National Church of God in Washington, D.C.
In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations. Since that time she has received many visitations from the Lord. During those visits He has shown her the depths, degrees, levels, and torments of lost souls in hell. She has also received many visions of Heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time.
During one period of her life, Jesus appeared to her each night for forty nights. He revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of Heaven. He told her that this message is for the whole world.

“God the Father and Jesus Christ are the central focus of saints, angels, and all worshipping beings.
It is one thing to try to describe the wonders of this city; it is quite another to know that you will share the joy of it.”

Get this electronic version for FREE!

Tamara Laroux Hell Visit Dec 15 2011

                      Tamara Laroux, Hell Visit Dec 15, 2011

Tamara Laroux killed herself when she was 16 years old. She went to hell and brought back to life by Jesus. Suicide is the worst thing people do. Everybody who commits suicide end up going to hell even Christians because they don't get a chance to repent.
Jesus is the Only Way to go to Heaven. Believe in Jesus and repent of your sins if you are not a Christian yet.

Akef Tayem The Third Heaven!

Akef Tayem was a Muslim who went to a Church by his friend’s request. He saw unbelievable miracle with his own eyes. After he became a Christian, he got kicked out from his house. He was not eating for 40 days. He had an out-of-body experience and went to the Third Heaven. He saw Jesus in Heaven. After he came back, people started to receive healing when he prayed for them.

The Closing of the Gates of Grace

The Closing of the Gates of Grace
Maurice Sklar Mar 30, 2009
Tonight I watched as the Holy Spirit gave me a vision.
I saw two massive gate doors – both on the right and the left of the earth. They were made out of gold with precious gems embedded in them. They were positioned over the earth in the spirit realm. On the other side of the gates was Heaven. On our side of the gates was the earth suspended in space. Then I saw a mighty angel on each side of the two gates. They were standing as sentries guarding the doorway or portal from the two realms. They each had a large sword in their hands that was on fire and it seemed to spin around perpetually in every direction and it shot these flames out all around them. I was amazed and awed at their glory and size. They seemed as large as the Earth below them. The gates were even larger in size than they were! Both the angels and the gates were glowing as bright as the sun, it seemed. On the Heavenly side – light was streaming like a river flowing toward the Earth. As I looked into the glorious light, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne in great majesty with many crowns on His head. He had an iron-bronze-looking scepter in His right hand and an old-fashioned-looking harvesting sickle in the other.

Suddenly, I heard His Voice. It sounded like a roaring ocean of water and wind as He spoke. I have never heard such a sound before. He said,
“The time has come to close the gates of Grace upon the earth. The nations have rejected Me and My Father long enough. Lift the coverings of Protection off of those nations that have chosen Babylon over My Kingdom. I will no longer protect them from reaping what they have sown.”
Then the two angels on each side of the golden gate leaves began to move slowly to shut the giant doorway/portal. I noticed that this was a slow process, because I saw the seasons change on earth and some years pass before it was fully closed. As it was closing, I was able to look closer at the river of light that was pouring upon the earth. In it was every Blessing and Healing Grace, Forgiveness, unconditional Agape Love, and the constant flow of angels carrying all these wonderful blessings to the earth. Right before the gates shut, I heard the Voice of the Lord say,
“Come up here, My Bride, and escape the wrath that is about to be poured out upon the Earth.”
I heard a nearly deafeningly loud blast of Heavenly trumpets from both those angels at the same time, and suddenly, I saw multitudes of souls – millions and millions of them – ascending out of the earth very fast in a flash of light. The river of light coming through the gates met them in the upper atmosphere of the earth and then reversed itself and all the souls and the river of light went back up out of the earth and into the closing gates back into Heaven.
Then I saw the gates finish shutting completely – at a much faster rate now after the souls from earth had finished going into Heaven. Then, it became so dark that I could no longer see the stars even. There was no more river of light flowing down upon the earth. The earth was covered in what looked like white neon hexagon shapes in a web above the earth (please, see my teaching “Visions from the Dallas Revival 1985” on my website: )
It rapidly became opaque where I could no longer see the earth underneath. I just saw a brownish looking color – like a stagnant pond—where the oceans and land could be seen only a few moments before. Then, nearly just as fast, the whole earth seemed to be swallowed up in the thickest black darkness I had ever seen. It was like a black hole in the universe. It made the rest of the universe look light in comparison, if I could describe it that way.
I felt so sick and hopeless as I saw this. Then, just like I had heard back in the vision in 1985, I began hearing the screams of millions upon millions of souls that I knew were trapped in that darkness below in the Earth. The Holy Spirit then spoke to me and said,
“This is now coming upon the whole Earth as a snare and a trap. This is what the nations have chosen. As they have done, so shall it be done to them. As they have cursed, so shall they be cursed. As they have condemned, so shall they be condemned. The time of My wrath shall surely come. The nations shall drink of the wine of the wrath of My cup that I have mixed for them. Woe! Woe! Woe to the Earth for the hour of her judgment has surely come! Babylon shall now fall and be consumed by the fire of My wrath.”

Then I realized that these were still events to come in the future. But I also somehow knew that it was imminent. Once again, I saw the doors of the Gates of Grace still remained partially open. I knew that this was our present time now. I was so relieved to see the river of light flowing into the Earth again. But, the doors were closing fast! They weren’t fully opened as they were even a few years ago. I knew that we didn’t have much more time. The Lord spoke again so loudly and powerfully:
“Warn them! Time is very short! You must preach the Gospel and work while it is still daylight. The night comes very soon, and no man can then harvest in the time of grace ever again. The Doors of Grace are beginning to close. REPENT! REPENT! REPENT, O Earth, before the river of light stops flowing! Then you will face Me, not as Merciful Savior, but as the Judge of all the earth. Who will hear and heed the final call of the silver trumpet’s clarion of Grace, Grace! My Spirit will not strive with sinful man forever. Come to Me now while there is still a little time left. I am coming soon for My overcoming Bride. Keep your lamps burning…Watch and Pray…I AM AT THE DOORS OF GRACE! They are closing quickly….Come into My Ark of Safety…come into the bridal chamber and the doors will SHUT…I AM COMING FOR YOU, MY BELOVED!!!”

I pray that we all take heed to God’s prophetic warning and be ready when He appears for His glorious, waiting Bride.

Love in our Messiah,

Maurice Sklar

the rain pronounces His Goodness

The rain pronounces His Goodness

Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Lev 26:4 KJV

Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

Acts 14:17 KJV

the great lights of the universe and the expanse of the sky

The great lights of the universe and of the expanse of the sky speak of His Revelation

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided
the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Gen 1:3-5 KJV

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,
 and for seasons, and for days, and years:
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven
to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Gen 1:14-16 KJV

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light,
so that they could travel by day or night.
Ex 13:21 NIV

I saw that wisdom is better than folly,
just as light is better than darkness.

Eccl 2:13 NIV

As With Gladness Men of Old

C l a s s i c
As With Gladness, Men of Old

Words: William C. Dix
Music: "Dix" Konrad Kocher

As with gladness, men of old
Did the guiding star behold
As with joy they hailed its light
Leading onward, beaming bright
So, most glorious Lord, may we
Evermore be led to Thee.

As with joyful steps they sped
To that lowly manger bed
There to bend the knee before
Him Whom heaven and earth adore;
So may we with willing feet
Ever seek Thy mercy seat.

As they offered gifts most rare
At that manger rude and bare;
So may we with holy joy,
Pure and free from sin's alloy,
All our costliest treasures bring,
Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King.

Holy Jesus, every day
Keep us in the narrow way;
And, when earthly things are past,
Bring our ransomed souls at last
Where they need no star to guide,
Where no clouds Thy glory hide.

In the heavenly country bright,
Need they no created light;
Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown,
Thou its Sun which goes not down;
There forever may we sing

Alleluias to our King!

The Biblical significance of the 7 Jewish feasts

The Biblical significance of the 7 Jewish feasts:

The Passover
The Feast Of Unleavened Bread
The Feast Of FirstFruits
The Feast Of Pentecost
The Feast Of Trumpets

                                The Day Of Atonement

                                The Feast Of Tabernacles

Jehovah El Shaddai God Almighty

His glorious NAMES, designated Titles and divine Office.

The English word: God is translated from the Hebrew word, Elohim—which is a noun implying more than One in unity.
One God composed of more than One divine Person.

The Name Of The Lord is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10 KJV

Jehovah El Shaddai
God Almighty

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty;
walk before Me and be blameless.
Genesis 17:1 NIV

GOD ALMIGHTY, signifying GOD as Source of blessings, is the Name with which GOD appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (see Ex 6:3).

Complete Jewish Bible writes the verse above, in this manner:
When Avram was 99 years old Adonai appeared to Avram and said to him, “I am El Shaddai [God Almighty]. Walk in My Presence and be pure-hearted.

Almighty GOD Who is perfect, required of Abram to walk in His Presence and become perfected.

The word “EL” signifies strength, as in 'EL-SHADDAI, GOD Almighty; the Name by which GOD was specially known to the patriarchs.
And, the word “SHADDAI” is "Almighty."
The word "Almighty" means all-powerful: having supreme unquestionable power over everyone and everything—omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

GOD Who is "All-Powerful" is “All-Sufficient.”
The One Who is "All-Knowing" is “Supreme.”
The One Who is “Ever-Present” is “Invincible.”
HE is “Great” and “Awesome.”
“Excellent” and “Terrible.”

This Name of God is well seen in the patriarchal literature, and in Job particularly, where it is put into the mouths of the patriarchs—in acknowledgement of GOD Who is manifested by the terribleness of His mighty acts.
God identified Himself with Abram, with this His Name, when renewing the Covenant with him. It recurs to Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, and to his offspring in Genesis 28:3; 35:11; 43:14; 48:3; and 49:25.  
'El Shaddai appears to be the most common title of God, known to the patriarchs, by how He was worshiped.

God’s all-sufficiency is made known to us in Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 12:9. He is exhibited to all men in His works, as the Creator, Sustainer and Supreme Governor over the entire world and the universe.

We are not fit or qualified by ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but the power and ability we receive to do, give, and receive anything, comes from God’s sufficiency.
He said: "…My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Power is made perfect in weakness."

Yahweh 'El Shaddai is the One Who made Abraham “the father of many nations” and He made him “very fruitful.”
On that faithful day, when God made a ‘solemn pledge’ to Abraham, He said to him:
I will establish My Covenant as an everlasting Covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you (Gen.17:7 NIV).

Saved by the Blood

At the cross, God paid a ransom price with the Blood of the Lamb to buy sinful-man from the slave market of sin.

Christ Jesus has set us at liberty upon receipt of a ransom.

The price for our redemption is the precious Blood of Christ.

He gave His life a ransom for many—for He took our place. 


By Nicole
I had two dreams the night of 3/29/2011 ...possibly wee hours of the morning.
Dream 1:
I dreamed that I was standing outside with a large group of watchers from all the various internet rapture websites. Now this was not a group of Christian websites, ONLY the serious rapture websites. I am not even talking about the Christian websites that have a rapture area on their index of topics. I am talking about websites that have the word RAPTURE in them or their MAIN BOARD being the rapture. The group was quite large that was standing with me and I could see that they were from all over the world. I saw every race, color, ethnicity, man and woman, various ages, different walks of people like living in the country, city, etc. I saw the Lord showing me in this dream that He considers all the websites who are watching for the rapture to be one group of watchers. However, He showed me that there will be a great separation on the day of the Rapture even in this group. I was perplexed about it how someone on a watcher forum could possibly be left behind, but here is what the Lord showed me, that people dropping in on forums to make comments may just want to be in on the hype....or those that have been watching may not have true faith.
In this dream when I was with everyone outside, I saw a weird cloud in the sky. At first it seemed very trivial. But I heard a small Voice telling me to say something and I had to be quiet to hear. I pointed up in the sky, and I said doesn't that cloud look weird? The cloud seemed to be morphing into some kind of object. The serious Philadelphians started seeing this cloud morph into some sort of object and they all started pointing. I could see that the serious watchers wanted to be very careful one way or the other before they commented. They seemed to tread lightly as if going through a field of land mines. Whether or not they thought it silly to be watching a cloud, they did not say but kept their eyes on it for a while wanting it so bad to be a sign, something wonderful from the Lord. The other half of the group started making comments one by one. I heard comments such as It's JUST A CLOUD and YOU READ TOO MUCH INTO THINGS and I DON'T SEE HOW THIS CLOUD RELATES TO ANYTHING and BEING A SIGN SEEKER IS NOT BEING A WATCHER. The Philadelphians did not pay any attention to the comments at all and kept their eyes on the cloud JUST IN CASE. And guess what? It started morphing into a Bridal bouquet and it was pure white and the bouquet came down from the sky to the faithful watchers. The other part of the group were left behind.

Dream 2:
I dreamed that after the Rapture there was a large group in Heaven waiting for the Wedding of the Lord Jesus. All of a sudden there was this experience (which I think only symbolic) in which the BEST characteristics in each of us sort of "came off" of us.....characteristics in us that Jesus had worked so hard for during our life on earth. And when the "parts" of us came off, they all started floating and then they all came together and formed a woman. Now it was not a real woman, it was like a hologram and it was the Bride. She was the MOST BEAUTIFUL woman I had ever, ever, ever seen. She had a smiling face and she had on pure white. She was so very happy!

It is almost finished!

David Wilkerson s Rapture Dream

David Wilkerson's Rapture Dream
1998 dream, as related in a sermon entitled "Be Ye Ready Is No Joking Matter"
Matthew 24:42-44: "Watch ye therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
(Praying) Lord you spoke so clearly to me this past week in a dream. You told me to preach this afternoon, and I obey you...
I don't get many dreams, and I don't preach on my dreams because I'm a bible preacher, and anything that does not conform to the Word of God is to be rejected outright. I'm just telling you how God awakened my soul, how I should preach this more often...I want you to know this is not doctrine, it's not some new revelation, it's simply the Holy Spirit prompting me, and speaking to me about His Coming, I don't know want to build any doctrine about it, remember that. I don't have much confidence in dreams, any dream vision or revelation has to absolutely be framed in Scripture.
Now having said that, let me share with you without trying to talk to you about doctrine or anything else, just the Holy Ghost talking to me. In my dream I was suddenly awakened by the knowledge that I had been snatched, I had been caught up, and I was in some kind of conveyance, I don't know if it was a chariot, I didn't see the conveyance, but I knew that there were others in it and that there was an angel of the Lord... there was a sense of just racing swiftly through the streets and into houses, this conveyance knew no barriers and I had a sense that I was on my way home, I'm saved, the Lord has come.

I am being gathered by the angel of the Lord, the chariots of the Lord, there are thousands upon thousands, the coming of the Lord is as lightening is from the east to the west...there was a sense of swiftness, but it was almost as I was seeing it in slow motion, this lightning coming, I was seeing it in slow motion, I didn't see a driver, I didn't see an angel, I didn't see the conveyance, I just had a sense, I knew I was being carried and taken and it was moving swiftly, and people were being snatched from homes and from the streets.
And I remembered specifically going into a particular home and there were 3 people that I recognized, 2 were friends and 1 was a family member, and we went right by, and there was a sense, a sudden sense, oh God, they were being left behind, and the Lord allowed me to, for a few fleeting moments, to sense the terror of what it would be like to be left behind when the angels of the Lord come and gather His elect from the 4 winds.

I was made to know at that time that even those who call themselves Christians, and were not really Christians, who despised the Grace of God went out and sinned and said I can easily confess, never did forsaking their sin, there was a sense that even though they were sleeping they were aware, there was an awareness that the Lord is coming and there is a sudden moment because I saw hands being raised, people reaching out and waving.
In fact as we kept moving on there were people that were moving and trying to get the attention of this driver, this conveyance, and I was screaming and yelling get out in the open, as if I thought if they were out in the open they could be seen and get caught up but it went swiftly on, but there was a sense that I have never experienced in my life, even though all my life my father taught on the Coming of the Lord, my grandfather taught on the Coming of the Lord, taught about it.
The Bible says “we shall all be changed, in the twinkling of an eye, suddenly we're going to be changed”, the bible says, this corrupt body shall put on an incorrupt body just like His. And the Bible says that we are to be prepared and ready, expecting; the Bible says He is coming for those who look for His appearing. And those who are expecting, even though they sleep, are going to be caught up, even if it's in the middle of the night.

Now, I'm not going to get into the doctrine of the Rapture, when this happens, before the tribulation, middle of the tribulation or after the tribulation, I am just telling you I had a sense of the horror it's going to be for those who knew the Gospel, who had one appeal after another, who knew the Grace and the Mercy of God and they were not ready. They were not taken, they were not gathered in this, and I remember the swiftness of moving, and seeing the people left behind, the conveyance just passing by, and this terrible sense. Lord I know I'm saved, I know I'm redeemed, I'm going home, but those 2 friends and that member of my family... and there was a terror. “Two shall be sleeping in a bed, one shall be taken the other left...” watch therefore He's coming as a thief in the night. He's Coming folks!
There was no sense of speed , there was no sense of traveling, but suddenly I was stepping with everyone around me, we were stepping as out of a cloud, out of a fog, out of time, into eternity, suddenly. There was no sense of being carried out into a cosmos or anywhere else, suddenly we were...Home. We were in eternity and I remember this sense of absolute serenity, as we stepped out into eternity through this cloud, there was a sense of peace, and all I could see around me people were feeling their bodies, they were feeling their hands, they were caressing their faces, there was no shouting. I didn't see Jesus anywhere, it was just a sense, it happened so quickly, it seemed to be a gathering place, the Bible says He's going to gather His elect from the 4 winds, and suddenly I looked and there were my 2 friends, and my loved one coming through the cloud and into eternity.
Nobody was looking at each other, nobody, there was no embracing, there was just a peace, an incredible peace, and I experienced it for a moment, I am home, that earth that I was on is gone, I am beyond the reach of satan, there is no sin, there is no possibility of ever being lost, I am eternally His, He did what He said He would do, He said He would come with His angels, He came with His angels, he did everything I preached, everything I said, It's true! He's all sufficient; He's everything that we need!
There was a peace and a serenity beyond anything I could imagine... and people were just awed, in silence, there was an awe, there was a peace that was absolutely indescribable, and the sense... it was a sense, it's all over, it's all over, it was all... it was all true. That sense of reality and truth - that was not the real world, this is the real world, this is eternity, that's all passed away, it was just a dream, it was just grass, that's what the Bible says, the flesh is just grass, it comes up, it withers and it's gone. Time is just a little piece, eternity is a great big realm, God cut a little piece and He gave it to man, with His grace and mercy, saying, here is My Grace, My Mercy, My Glory. He gives you space and time to repent and trust in Him...

But, God wait a minute, all of these who didn't come, all of those who were left behind, who thought they were prepared and thought they were ready, they are not here, what about them Lord... they're lost, there was a sense in me, now folks that will not be there but I believe God was letting me feel the sense of those who were gone, and suddenly as I was thinking about all those who had not been gathered, I woke up, I sat right up, and these words were like silent thunder in my head- "David, be ye ready is no joking matter." And I lay back in my pillow and God said, "My people are not taking it seriously, they talk about it but they are not taking it seriously, and many, many are going to be left behind- they are not ready... the age of Grace is about to end."

Prophecy 2011 and Beyond by John Lawler

Prophecy 2011 and Beyond by John Lawler
On 9-3-10 I asked the Lord, what I can expect to see in the upcoming year of 2011 in America and throughout the world. I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year you can expect the same thing as what you have seen this year. There will be little or no change in the economy. The weather will not be any different than what you have seen this year. The time of the end is near and what I said will happen in My Word will be manifested throughout the earth. The earth will shake in many places and wars will continue to take place in various forms and places. I am about to move upon my people in a very meaningful way and the time has come to bring in the harvest of souls throughout this land. The one thing that will happen that will get a lot of attention will be the economy. There will continue to be a down turn in businesses throughout this land and those who are looking for work will not find what they are looking for. I am always available to those who don’t seek Me for their needs for they will have a very hard time providing for themselves in the days ahead. I will not allow man to continue to live their lives without Me being their source. The days ahead will be very hard for those who would choose to ignore me and go their own way”.

I asked the Lord again on 9-9-10 if there was anything else that he would like to share with me about the upcoming year of 2011 and I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year there will be many that will fall by the sword. I am going to allow the war to begin that I spoke of in My Word in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Yes My son this war will take place as I have spoken it and all will know that My Word is true. Many think that these things have already occurred but I say no they haven’t. In the days ahead, much will be said of My Word and many lies will come fourth even as it has in days of old. I will show the world that what I have said in My Word is true and all will know for sure as time marches on. I am also going to allow the earth to shake in ways that man has yet to see and much fear will come upon the people as to what is to come. I am no longer going to hold back My judgments as I have in the past and man will now pay the penalty for its sin. Just to let the world know that I am the same yesterday, today and forever and that I do not change. What I have done in the past I will now do on a much larger scale. Look up My Son for your redemption is drawing near. Many will try to explain away all that is taking place in ways that will exclude Me but when I am through all will know Who is in control. Down through the ages man has pretty much done as he pleases but in the future it will not be as it has been. I am in control and man will find this out in a not so pleasant way. I will do as I please when I please and My Will will be accomplished on the earth in the days ahead. Don’t allow all that you see cause you to fear or doubt that I will protect those who are Mine for I surely will. No harm will come to My people but for those who oppose Me will find out the hard way that I am all that I say I am”.

The moon tells of His Faithfulness

The moon tells of His Faithfulness

I will not violate my covenant
or alter what my lips have uttered.
Once for all, I have sworn by my holiness —
and I will not lie to David — 
that his line will continue forever
and his throne endure before me like the sun;
it will be established forever like the moon,
the faithful witness in the sky."

Ps 89:34-37 NIV