
Joy to the World!


JESUS CHRIST is the Reason for the Season!

He came into this world as:

  “Child of The Holy Spirit”, “The Son of GOD”, “Savior of the World”, and “Light of the World.”


He is “Joy to the World!


He is “GOD with us” Who brought us Joy, Peace, and Good Will!


In the future, He will Return to the Earth as “KING JESUS” — “King of Saints” and “Shepherd of Israel!”

Savior of the World


Mary was the mother of Jesus (see Matt. 1:18).

Joseph was not His father. That's why when an Angel of The LORD appeared to him in a dream, He instructed him in this manner:

"Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him (Matt. 2:13 KJV).


The One Who came through 'the Virgin Birth' became "Savior of the World" — He is "Child of The Holy Spirit".


Mary's firstborn Son was called: JESUS (Yahweh is Salvation).

He is "The Son of The Highest""The Son of GOD".


Heaven and Earth celebrate the Birth of our Savior; for He is Founder and Builder of the Church, and central-figure of the human race.

Unto us a Child is born


For a Child is born to us,

a son is given to us;

Dominion will rest on His shoulders,

and He will be given the Name

Pele-Yo‘etz El Gibbor

Avi-‘Ad Sar-Shalom

[Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God,

Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace],


in order to extend the dominion

and perpetuate the peace

of the throne and kingdom of David,

to secure it and sustain it

through Justice and Righteousness

henceforth and forever.

The zeal of Adonai-Tzva’ot

will accomplish this.


Isaiah 9:5-6 CJB

My Light and Salvation


Adonai is my Light and Salvation;

whom do I need to fear?

Adonai is the Stronghold of my life;

of whom should I be afraid? 

Ps 27:1 CJB

Worthy is The Lamb!


   Worthy is The Lamb!


“…Worthy is The Lamb that was slain to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing.”

Revelation 5:12 KJV


He is deserving of:

  Power” — Omnipotence.

  Riches” — beneficence.

  Wisdom” — Omniscience.

  Strength” — Power in prevalent exercise.

  Honour” — the Highest Reputation.

  Glory” — Majesty.

  Blessing”— thankful acknowledgments of the whole creation.


He is worthy — for what He has done; as is ascribed to Him.

He is worthy of ‘all-Praise’ due to such actions.


The Church and innumerable angels ascribe doxology to Him, the hosts of Heavenly angels agree with the Church in acknowledging the infinite merits of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.


He is worthy of His Divine Office as our Apostle and High-Priest.

He is worthy of All-Authority which His Divine Office requires.

He is worthy; for He is sufficient for His Divine Office and Faithful in it.


This doxology by the Church, and by the angels, shall be resounded and echoed by all-creation!


After THE LORD JESUS CHRIST conquered death and rose from the grave, He received:

  Power” — "dunamis” (Greek); which is Ability and Might.

  Riches” — “ploutos” (Greek); material wealth and riches (which will be fulfilled in His Millennial Reign) — these shall compliment the supernatural riches in Christ.

  Wisdom” — “sophia” (Greek); He is GOD’s Divine Wisdom personified.

  Strength” — “ischus” (Greek); Strength in Service to GOD.

  Honour” — “time” (Greek); ‘price of inestimable value’ — "the Preciousness of Christ" unto believers — “esteem” (honor).

  Glory” — “doxa” (Greek); speaks of manifestation of “the Divine Nature and Acts of GOD, i.e., Who He essentially is and what He does, as exhibited in whatever way He reveals Himself to us in these respects.

  Blessing”— “eulogia” (Greek); akin to a "good-speaking praise" ascribed to "GOD THE FATHER" and to "GOD THE SON."

The invocation of blessings — benediction; the giving of thanks to GOD ALMIGHTY.

Warning of God’s Judgment on America!


Warning of God’s Judgment on America

Jonathan Brentner

Is America near the end of the road as a nation? 

A Call to Stand with Israel and the Jewish People


Fulfill the Biblical Call to Stand with Israel and the Jewish People...

News out of the Middle East is increasingly worrying by the day. Iran’s regime is emboldened. A new West Bank-based terror organization is conducting heinous attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. And it doesn’t end there. Around the world, antisemitism is on the rise.

As believers dedicated to God’s Divine Word and carrying out His Righteous mandate to bless the Children of Israel, we cannot sit on the sidelines. Taking action is of paramount importance. 

Get equipped to fulfill the Biblical Call to stand with Israel and the Jewish people in their time of need.

Click to Discover How You Can Stand with Israel

It’s Time to Stand Up for Jesus!


It’s Time to Stand Up for Jesus!

Benny Hinn

Many people, even believers, are questioning, “Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?” 

The statistics bearing this out are staggering.


This should be troubling to us. It can bring great harm if people aren’t given the true answer.


It’s time to deal with this, and that’s what I’m sharing from my heart with you on today’s program.


It can mean a difference for eternity for all those around us struggling with this issue.


This new series is one The Lord Jesus has urgently laid on my heart to do, and I’ve sought God’s direction and wisdom in going through my past teachings and personally selecting the right one  for you...


Thousands of Holy Fires...


Thousands of Holy Fires...

Thousands of Holy Fires by Dr Brown

Fires of spiritual outpouring and revival.

Click here

News on China!


News on China!

"Must WATCH!"

"Must READ!"

A Blood Moon on Election Night!


A Blood Moon on Election Night!

Pastor Kunneman says we are on God’s Calendar

What is the significance of the Blood Moon on the Night of the Midterm Elections?

The timing of this year’s lunar eclipse has prophetic significance because of its connection to elections in both Israel and the U.S

This is the time on God’s calendar!

The Good Confession by WATCHMAN NEE


The Good Confession





Burdened with the need of a firm foundation for the Christian life, brother Watchman Nee gave a series of basic lessons on practical Christian living during the training session for workers held in Kuling, Foochow, China in 1948. He expressed the hope that these essential lessons might be faithfully learned by God’s people, thereby laying a good foundation for the building up of the Body of Christ.


Messages on practical Christian living

v Translated from the Chinese language

v Published in a series of six books, bearing the various titles of:

(1) A Living Sacrifice

(2) The Good Confession

(3) Assembling Together

(4) Not I, But Christ

(5) Do All to The Glory of God

(6) Love One Another



Click to Download The Good Confession

Third Heaven Authority by Mike Thompson


Your Third Heaven Authority in Jesus.

What does it really mean to be a new creation seated with Jesus in Heaven’s throne room? Mike Thompson says it means possessing your full inheritance as sons and daughters of the Most High God.

Click to Access Third Heaven Authority

The Second Coming of Christ



How It Will All Be Fulfilled!


GOD has called "the Church" to continually receive Revelation of 'coming Major-Events.'

She was called to preach and prophesy "the Coming Kingdom Age!"


Now You Will Understand the Sequence of Prophetic Events in the Bible!


How It Will All Be Fulfilled!


'The Church Age,' The Seven Seals, The Seven Trumpets, The Seven Vials, ‘Rise of Babylon and the Beast,’ The Great Tribulation, The First Resurrection, The Great Day of God’s Wrath, ‘The Fall of Babylon,’ The Marriage Supper of The  Lamb, The Second Coming of Christ, ‘Armageddon,’ ‘the Imprisonment of Satan in the Abyss,’ The Millennial Reign of Christ, ‘the Release of Satan from the Abyss,’ ‘The War of Gog and Magog,’ ‘the Casting of Satan into the lake of fire,’ The Great White Throne Judgment, New Heaven and New Earth, The New Jerusalem, and ‘The Eternal Perfect State.’


Are You Ready to Discover What GOD's Word says about 'Mysteries of the Ages,' future trouble and conflicts, wars, plagues, woes, future blessings, destinies of nations, rise and fall of Empires, Triumph of the True Church, Triumphant Christ, the Antichrist’s Defeat, and Satan’s Defeat?


"The Second Coming of Christ" will be after "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb."


At His Second Coming, the Heaven opens up, and He comes as "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS" Who is called "THE WORD OF GOD."

He comes on a white horse to make War and to do Justice!

The armies of Heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, follow Him on white horses.


The Messiah's Return is for "the Battle of Armageddon," and to usher-in "the Millennium" – when He will Rule and Reign with His saints over the Earth.


As "The Captain of the host,” He shall be victorious in this Battle, and as "Conqueror of the nations," He shall Rule and Reign over the Earth.


In "the Millennium," He shall inherit all nations, and from the Throne of David, He will set up GOD's Dominion over the Earth.



The Second Coming of Christ

And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness He doth judge and make war.

Revelation 19:11 KJV

The Return of The KING

At "The Second Coming of Christ," the Heaven opens up and "THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS" Who is called "THE WORD OF GOD" comes on a white horse to make War and to do Justice!

The armies of Heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, follow Him on white horses.


He is called: "Faithful and True" and in Righteousness He judges and make war.

He is "The Righteous Branch from 'David's Line' ” Who delights in obeying The LORD (read Isaiah 11:3-5).

He is "The Son of Man" Who came in "The Spirit of The LORD."

"The Fear of The LORD," His Great Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, and Knowledge were manifested in Him.

He is "The Coming Messiah."


The humble Child Who came into this world through "the Virgin-Birth" is the One Who will Rule all the nations with 'a rod of iron' — "the government shall be upon His shoulder."


In His "First Advent," He came as “The Savior of the World, and He prophesied His soon-Coming 'Appearing in the clouds' — to be fulfilled at "The First Resurrection" — in which His "elect" will be caught-up to meet with Him in the clouds.

He also prophesied His "Second Advent" — which will be His Second Coming — when He comes to make War and bring Justice to the Earth.


A Revelation of His Second Coming, as revealed to Apostle John, records:

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself.

And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of God.

Rev. 19:12-13 KJV

When John had “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” in chapter 1, he saw a ‘Divine Priestly-Prophetic appearance’ of Him (read Rev.1:14-16).

But this time around, John sees a Revelation of His Second Coming in His ‘Divine Kingly Majesty.’


"The Second Coming of Christ" will be after "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb."


The Messiah's Return is for a continuation of "the Battle of Armageddon."

His Second Coming will usher-in "the Millennium" – when He will Rule and Reign with His saints over the Earth.

And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

Rev 19:14-15 KJV

“The armies of Heaven” clothed in fine linen, white and clean, shall be willing and ready to match with Him on white horses — down to the Earth.

And, it will be of great benefit for His saints to keep their robes clean.

“Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame” (Rev. 16:15 KJV).

The “fine linen” represents “the righteousness of saints” (Rev. 19:8).


And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a Name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS

Rev. 19:16 KJV

He is THE ALMIGHTY — "The Omnipotent," All-Ruler.

As "The Captain of the host," He is Coming with eyes like fire, with a sharp two-edged sword which goes forth out of His mouth, and with 'a rod of iron.'

With His sharp sword, He will smite the nations, and with 'a rod of iron,' He shall Rule them.


"On His head were many crowns" — each of His crowns represent a Royal Title; given to Him for His Position of Divine Authority, Political Office, Priestly Ministry, or for the works He has done — in the Heaven and in the Earth.

His Divine Priestly Ministry, His Prophetic-Office, and His Kingly Administration were all perfected by the ultimate sacrifice which He accomplished on the Cross of Calvary for us; which He commenced in "the Eternity-Past" as "The Holy Lamb of GOD" that was slain at the golden altar in the Temple of Heaven, 'before the foundations of the world.'


One of His Royal Titles is: "Faithful and True" (Rev. 19:11).

Another one is "a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself" (Rev. 19:12).


One Royal Title is written on His robe which is dipped in His precious Blood, and is also written on His thigh:



His Name is: "THE WORD OF GOD" (Rev. 19:13).

He is The Great GOD — Mighty and Awesome!

To Him belongs Victory and Glory.


He is "The LORD of hosts" and "Conqueror of the nations" — "anointed with the oil of gladness" and will Return in Glory and Majesty.

His Throne will last forever and 'Dominion rests on His shoulders' — in order to extend the Dominion and perpetuate the Peace of His Kingdom, and the throne of David; to secure it and sustain it through Justice and Righteousness henceforth and forever.

Amazing Encounters with Angels & the Invisible World!

Amazing Encounters with Angels & the Invisible World by Jamie Galloway

THE SECRET PLACE - The Place of Divine Protection


THE SECRET PLACE - The Place of Divine Protection


Divine Protection is a heritage of those who abide in GOD's Presence.

In Psalm 91 His Divine Protection is "the Shadow of The Almighty."

"The Shadow of The Almighty" is greater than the power of death and the grave —greater than all the forces of hell and the devil himself.


GOD's Divine Protection is safety, shelter, defense, strength, and security.

"The Secret Place" is a Divine-Stronghold.


"The Secret of The LORD" is revealed only in "The Secret Place."


We are safe and secured under "the Shadow of The Almighty" by the reason of His PRESENCE.

[He who dwells in The Presence of The LORD shall abide under His Divine Protection]

He that dwelleth in the secret place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1 KJV


He is "A Refuge of Protection" — "A Fortress of Defense."


"The Secret Place" is a Divine-Habitation.

Shelter of Elyon


You who live in the shelter of ‘Elyon,

who spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai, 

who say to Adonai, “My Refuge! My Fortress!

My God, in whom I trust!” —  

He will rescue you from the trap of the hunter

and from the plague of calamities; 

He will cover you with His pinions,

and under His wings you will find refuge;

His truth is a shield and protection. 

Psa 91:1-4 CJB

The Righteous Branch


And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

And The Spirit of The Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, The Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of The Lord.

Isa. 11:1-2 KJV

But a Branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai,

a Shoot will grow from his roots. 

The Spirit of Adonai will rest on Him,

The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding,

The Spirit of Counsel and Power,

The Spirit of Knowledge and Fearing Adonai —  

He will be inspired by fearing Adonai.

Isa. 11:1-3a CJB

Do All Speak with Tongues? By Sid Roth


Do All Speak with Tongues?

By Sid Roth

(Published: December 21, 2016)

Paul questions if all people have the gift of tongues in 1 Corinthians 12:30, “Do all speak with tongues?”  His answer infers the answer is “no!”  However two verses earlier he says he is speaking about gifts “in the church.”  There are different types of tongues.  Two types are the public gift in the church and the private devotional tongues. 

Paul made it clear it was God’s desire for all believers to speak in tongues in 1 Corinthians 14:5, “I wish you all spoke with tongues…”  He is referring to the private prayer language.  There are five cases in the Book of Acts of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Four spoke in tongues and the last case in Acts 8:18, says the others “saw” something.  What did they see and hear?  I believe it was tongues! 

I have personally prayed for thousands of believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues.  Why do most believers not speak in tongues when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit?  The catch 22 is they are waiting on God to speak and God is waiting on them.  You do the speaking and God  gives the supernatural language.

About the Author

Sid Roth, a former account executive for Merrill Lynch, was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition provided no answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.



Third Heaven Authority by Mike Thompson


Third Heaven Authority (4-CD/Audio Series) by Mike Thompson; Code: 3788

By Mike Thompson


 ANGEL SERAPHS | (Worship Song)

A Living Sacrifice by WATCHMAN NEE


A Living Sacrifice





Burdened with the need of a firm foundation for the Christian life, brother Watchman Nee gave a series of basic lessons on practical Christian living during the training session for workers held in Kuling, Foochow, China in 1948. He expressed the hope that these essential lessons might be faithfully learned by God’s people, thereby laying a good foundation for the building up of the Body of Christ.


Messages on practical Christian living

v Translated from the Chinese language

v Published in a series of six books, bearing the various titles of:

(1) A Living Sacrifice

(2) The Good Confession

(3) Assembling Together

(4) Not I, But Christ

(5) Do All to The Glory of God

(6) Love One Another


Click to Download A Living Sacrifice