Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions
I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of
Given to Susan
Around 2007 or so, the LORD brought together two
people from two different parts of the globe—one in the U.S. and the other in
Belgium. Sabrina (Belgium) and I, Susan (U.S.) became friends because I had
posted some information about GOD online and I received an email from her about
it. I was involved in church outreach at the time and she was having struggles
in a very secular region of the world with outreach. I felt the LORD wanted me
to support her as she and I both struggled with issues of outreach in our
communities—thus began a wonderful friendship—but we did not know that GOD had
bigger plans for our lives. Sabrina had the unique gift of being able to hear
the Voice of the LORD and I totally believed and supported her gift. Then
recently she let me know that the LORD had a gift for me—I soon found out that
the gift was also hearing the Voice of the LORD—I started to write down letters
HE gave me recently and I have been filling many notebook pages. The messages
are very, very serious—the LORD told us we needed to get these messages out
without delay--so here are the letters I received:
"I have spoken to her [Susan], so she might learn to
understand My Voice. Send the Word out about My soon Coming. Don't be shy about
a thing. The world must get penetrated with My Words. Everybody must know that
I am coming very soon. Many do know, but are not ready. Therefore send out My
Words! Send them out & don't be shy about a thing."
Then the LORD said: "This refers also to you (Sabrina)
My daughter, don't be shy about a thing any more. Do it soon!"