
The GLORY of GOD s Presence

The GLORY of GOD's Presence
The greatest treasure of secrets of the Glory of God's Presence in the Old Testament is seen in the tabernacle, while, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament has the greatest presentation of the resurrected Christ Who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
There are four colors of fabric at the gate of the tabernacle. They are scarlet, white, blue, and purple. These 4 colors represent Christ in His fullness at Salvation.
The scarlet presents Him as the Savior; white presents Him as the perfect Man; blue as the Son of God; and purple as the King.
Scarlet, because He is the Savior of man—the Lamb of God—our High Priest.
White, for He is the Son of Man Who identified with our humanity—and became the only perfect Man.
Blue presents Him as the Son of God in His deity—the Word that incarnated into a man.
And, purple presents Him as the King; the long-awaited Messiah—the Anointed One.

Matthew presents Jesus Christ as "the messianic King" which is also seen in the purple.  
Mark portrays Jesus as “suffering Servant” [the Servant of the Lord], instantly responsive to the Will of the Father. The white color presents Him as “the perfect Man.”
Luke presents Him as “the Son of Man” Who identified with the sorrow and plight of sinful man in order to carry our sins and sorrows and offer us the priceless gift of Salvation. The scarlet color presents Him as “the Savior”
And, John presents the deity of the incarnate Son of God Who Himself is GOD (John 1:1). The interpretation of the color blue is that He is “the Son of God.” 

He is our Messiah King; the Servant of the Lord; the Son of Man; and the Son of God, Who Himself is God.  John 1:12 tells us that we have received the right to become 'sons of God.'

So, when you read the Gospel, you receive the revelation of Who Jesus is.

                             Four Colors, 4 Gospels and 4 Revelations

                                          Matthew-Purple-the King

                                        Mark-White-the perfect Man

                                            Luke-Scarlet-the Savior

                                          John-Blue-the Son of God

The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle

The tabernacle is a road-map into God's Presence.
The tabernacle speaks of the Church of Jesus Christ today, which is still in motion; in progression and in growth. As long as we keep improving in glory and in faith, the Bread of Life—the Resurrection Power within us is hidden from our eyes, and from the eyes of the world.
Moses built a shadow; a pattern of a true heavenly tabernacle. He made a material reality of a divine spiritual reality.
There is the outer court; where-in is the altar of sacrifice, and the brazen laver (a basin filled with water). There is the Holy Place; where-in stands the lampstand, the table of showbread, and the golden altar of incense. And behind the second curtain was a room called the Holy of Holies; where-in is the gold-covered ark of the Covenant.
God gave instructions to Moses on how to build the ark in Exodus 25:10-16.
And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about.
And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it.
And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.
And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.
The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.
And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee.

God told him to place the gold jar of manna in it (Exo 16:33-34) and Aaron's staff that had budded. He placed the tablets of the Law into it in Exodus 25:16.
Throughout the wilderness journeys and in the reign of David, the manna, the rod, and the tablets of the Law were in the ark. But, in II Chronicles 5:7-10 we were told that the ark of the Covenant was moved out of the tabernacle and placed in the temple (this points to the household of God—the saints in Christ in the Millennium), and then, the manna and the rod were not seen in it. All that was left in the ark were the two tablets of the Law.

God told Moses to hide the second tablet of stone from the people of Israel, and place it in the ark of the Covenant; this ark represents Christ Jesus, the only One Who can fulfill the Commandment written in those new two tablets of stone.
Therefore, the Law of Love was hidden from Israel but hidden in Christ Jesus, until He came and fulfilled it. God has placed the Law in Christ, and Christ in us; and as long as we have Christ Jesus in us, we have fulfilled the Law.
We can only obey the Law in Christ Jesus, for He is the fullness of the Law.

The entire tabernacle is a revelation of Jesus Christ.
The tabernacle has 60 polls around it, with a fence made out of white linen. Each poll had a silver cap, and base made of brass. And there was goat's hair tied to the ground, pinned with nail half way into the ground. Each of the polls was made of acacia wood [shittim wood]. This wood speaks of perfect flesh. The only One that lived in a perfect body is Jesus Christ.
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Ps 16:10 KJV

The silver speaks of redemption, the brass; suffering. So Christ Jesus is the Perfect Man who suffered and redeemed man. The rope made of goat's hair signifies sin. The Perfect Man, Redeemer, Savior, became sin for us.
“The altar of sacrifice” is for the body, while “the altar of incense” is for the soul.

The laver in the outer court stands as the place of washing and cleansing by the Word, but the lampstand in the Holy Place represents the Light of God for illumination. And from this point on, it’s so easy to understand the spiritual reality.
Still in the Holy Place, the table of showbread, standing side-by-side to the lampstand, speaks of Jesus the Bread of Life. He is the Living Word—the Bread of Life which we must eat daily (John 6:32-35).
At this point in our spiritual experience, the Word comes alive—and revelation knowledge begins. The chapters and verses in your Bible comes new in the Holy Place. Everything unveils to you like you have never seen them before. Just give it time, don't rush in.
In the Outer Court, multitude can gather, in the Holy Place only a few can gather. But, to your amazement, in the Most Holy Place, only one can enter. You can praise with a crowd, serve with only a few, but you worship God all alone. You can sing and dance with a million people in a crusade; but, you can only serve in ministry with a few, whom you can trust. But, when worship begins, you are all by yourself.
In the Outer Court hundreds can gather, in the Holy Place, no more than ten can gather—that's tithe. But, the Holy of Holies is a place for only one. You can praise with a crowd, you can only serve with a group, but you worship by yourself—alone with God.
The Outer Court is a place of praise and thanksgiving, the Holy Place; a place of service, and the Most Holy Place; a place of worship.
The Outer Court receives natural light, while the lampstand is light in the Holy Place. But only the Glory of God gives Light in the Holy of Holies.

The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies were covered with four types of skins. The outer skin was badger’s skin; a very ugly looking skin. If one stood outside, he could not see beyond the gates, all he could see is the top of the actual tabernacle which was covered, and he sees the ugliness outside, rather than the beauty of the Lord.
Remember, when the world sees Him, they see no beauty in Him they should desire, only those who are in, see the Glory. You can't see the Glory from outside.

The road-map into God's Presence:
Introduction - at the gates of thanksgiving.
Reconciliation - at the altar of sacrifice—at the Cross.
Sanctification - at the laver filled with water—by the Word.
Satisfaction - at the table of showbread—from the Bread of Life.
Illumination - at the lampstand—from the Light of His Word.
Intercession - at the altar of incense—in the heart of man [the spirit man].
Worship - at the place of the ark of the Covenant, in the Holy of Holies.

There were two arks in the Bible: the ark of Noah and the ark of the Covenant. The ark of Noah, signifies that I am hidden in Christ; the ark of the Covenant—Christ in me the Hope of Glory.

The Gates

The Gates

Before you can enter into God's Presence, you must first, experience the gates.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His Name.
Ps 100:4 NIV

The courts are just between the gates and the altar.
The gate speaks of Jesus and His fullness; that’s the gates of thanksgiving.
At introduction, He is the Man we identify with, this is the reason why Jesus was baptized in the river; the minute He was baptized by John the Baptist, He identified with sinful humanity.
When you got born again, you met the Lord at the gates, as the Savior of your soul; you met Him as the King of Glory, the Son of Man and as the Son of God.
At the point of reconciliation the Holy Spirit reveals Him to us as our Savior (signified by scarlet); and the perfect Man who is our High Priest (referenced in the white); then, we experience Him as the Son of God (represented by the color blue); and then, as the King (represented in purple).
If you had not experienced Him in all four revelations, you could not have been saved. Salvation is impossible, until you understand the 4 offices of Christ. That's why there were four colors of fabric at the gate of the tabernacle. These four colors represent Christ in His fullness at Salvation. But beyond the point of Salvation, are other colors of His other divine offices.

There are 7 revelations of Christ before you can experience the Presence of God.
The first is: His four offices; represented by the four colors.
The second: His Cross; of His sufferings, and death.
The third: His Word; which has been from the beginning, that was made flesh, and is God.
The fourth: His Life; He is the Eternal Life—the gift of God to us.
The fifth: His Spirit; with Whom we are baptized.
The sixth: His Power; which we encounter and receive through prayer.
The seventh: His Presence; which manifests to us when we receive a revelation of Him, and this causes us to worship.

Praise alone cannot usher you into His Presence, but worship is related to the Presence of God. You can thank the Lord without a revelation; thanksgiving is the utterance of the mouth. You can praise Him without receiving a revelation; praise is an utterance of the mouth. But you cannot worship Him without a revelation. So, something happens between the gates and the altar. Between the gates and the altar, there comes a revelation. And without that revelation, nobody can come any closer.

You can't really praise God until you have received Salvation and known Jesus in His four offices.

The altar of sacrifice

The altar of sacrifice

The brazen altar [the bronze altar] represents the sufferings of Christ Jesus, because worship is born at the Cross.
The gate is the entrance into the Christian life, but the cross is the door into God's Presence.

Psalm 40:6-8 speaks of the fact that Jesus surrendered His will to the Father—this is connected to the Bread; which is His body.
Sacrifice and offering Thou didst not desire; Mine ears hast Thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast Thou not required.
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the Book it is written of Me,
I delight to do Thy Will, O My God: yea, Thy Law is within My heart.

The altar of sacrifice represents the Cross, and the Blood of the Lamb. It also speaks of our death—our total surrender.
The four horns of the altar represent the experience of the true believer, which are:
  forgiveness (Rom 3:25)
  deliverance from sin and the power of sin (II Cor 5:21)
  death of the old-life (Rom. 6:6)
  and, the yielding of the members of our body
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:1 KJV

At “the altar of sacrifice” there is redemption, but, at the point of contact with the Word of God (represented in the brazen laver filled with water), you experience liberty from your greatest enemy: the flesh.
The flesh has to die daily.
Our life surrenders to Jesus at the Cross, which is signified by the altar of sacrifice. We offer our bodies as living sacrifice.

“The altar of sacrifice” deals with the flesh; “the altar of incense” deals with the soul.

The brazen laver

The brazen laver

The moment you yield, you come to the laver which was made from mirrors, made out of brazen bronze (Exo. 38:8), filled with water; which signifies the Word. James 1:23 calls the Word of God “a mirror.” We look through this “mirror” every time we read, study and meditate on the Bible—God's Word. God's Word truly cleanses and purifies our being. God's Word reveals our inward condition; our spiritual condition, and cleanses us. It's God's cleansing agent.
Ephesians 5:25-27 informs us that, Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word.
Our washing and cleansing by the Word should be daily, for we live in a polluted world.
You can't enter God's Presence without knowing Jesus.

You can't enter into His Presence without knowing the Power of the Blood and the Cross. And you cannot enter into His Presence without the Word washing your heart and your mind daily.

The table of showbread

The table of showbread

The table of showbread speaks of Jesus the Bread of Life. The table of showbread in Numbers 4:7 is called "the table of the Presence." This is where the Presence of God begins to manifest through the Word.

The frankincense which the priest sprays on the bread has sweet fragrance but tastes bitter—this speaks of persecution in the life of the believer who has been nourished by the Word.

The golden lampstand

The golden lampstand

The golden lampstand speaks of Jesus "the Light of the world." It speaks of illumination; enlightenment. The Light of God renews our intellect and our mind.
 "…be renewed in the spirit of your mind" (Ephesians 4:23KJV).
The mind can only be renewed when we surrender to the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The lampstand is illuminated by the olive oil, even as our mind must be illuminated by the Power of the Holy Ghost. He cleans the wick; He does the work of cleaning your mind.
The minute the Word comes alive to you, something happens in your mind. Your mind comes under divine control, and doesn't run wild on you anymore. Every thought becomes subject to Christ. Divine control and rule takes over your mental life; your intellect. The ‘letter’ becomes Spirit.
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
2 Cor. 10:5 KJV
It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life.
John 6:63 KJV

Everything becomes crystal clear, and simple. Every Word becomes Power.

The altar of incense

The altar of incense

Next, you arrive at “the altar of incense”; at this point, the Word becomes your prayer, and intercession unconsciously begins. The Word of God takes hold of you and that Word that takes hold of you becomes prayer.
The writer to the Hebrews declares in chapter 9, verse 3 of Hebrews that the altar of incense stood within the Holy of Holies, yet the Old Testament doesn't tell us that.
Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.
Heb 9:3-5 NIV

In the Old Testament it is clear that the altar of incense is in the Holy Place, yet the book of Hebrews tell us that the altar of incense stood inside the Holy of Holies, so, which is it?
Here is what really could have happened; that Scripture in the book of Hebrews speak of what happened after the veil was split in two—prior to this, the altar of incense stood outside the Holy of Holies.
Now, that the veil is split into two parts because of the death of Christ—most possibly, by divine occurrence, the incense which was in a  golden plate was carried within the veil.

The altar of incense is for the soul; the altar of sacrifice is for the body.

The four kinds of incense represent the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The incense also speaks of our intimacy with Jesus. It’s so easy to surrender when Jesus is there; it’s so easy to yield, when the Lord is real. It's so difficult to yield when you do not have that reality.

At “the altar of incense,” where intercession has begun, your body, your will, your mind, your intellect, your emotions, and your soul are no longer your own.

The ark of the Covenant

The ark of the Covenant

The ark of the Covenant resides in the Most Holy Place, on it is the Mercy Seat upon which is mounted two Cherubim. The gold jar of manna, the rod of Aaron that budded, and the tablets of the Law were in the ark.

God told Moses to hide the second tablet of stone from the people of Israel, and place it in the ark of the Covenant.
The ark of the Covenant represents Christ Jesus, the only One Who could fulfill the Commandment written in those two new tablets of stone. Therefore, prophetically, The LORD GOD placed the Law in Christ. Today, as long as we have Christ Jesus in us, we have fulfilled the Law.

The ark ushered-in the Presence of God in the Holy of Holies. The Glory of God shone through the ark and gave Light to the high priest, who was only permitted to enter in the Holy of Holies once a year, and sprinkle blood over the Mercy Seat.

The Outer Court

The Outer Court

The gates which had fabric of four colors within, stood as entrance into the outer court. In the outer court was placed: the altar of sacrifice, and the brazen laver (a basin filled with water).
The Outer Court is a place of praise and thanksgiving.

The outer court is dependent on natural light; it is dependent on natural strength. While in that place, the mind is still uncontrollable.

The Holy Place

The Holy Place

In the Holy Place stands the golden lampstand, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense.
The Holy Place is a place of service, where the lampstand gives light.

In the soulish realm, the lampstand, the table of showbread, and the altar of incense represent your mind, your will and your emotions. The lampstand is for the illumination of the mind. The table of showbread; for your soul-satisfaction when you surrender your will. And, the altar of incense; for the surrender of your emotions.
The flesh is active in the outer court, but is dismantled in the Holy Place, where the soul comes alive.

At the time of your meditation on the Word, or when you are involved in any other spiritual exercise—when the spiritual Light comes on your life, you're already in—the Holy Place.
In the Holy Place, the Bible begins to make sense, because you have been delivered from the outer court, and satan has no longer access into your mind.

Furthermore, in the Holy Place, our will surrenders. It’s no longer your will, but His Will. Your soul which is your will, intellect, and emotions, must be surrendered too. After you have been born again, your will, intellect, and emotions were still yours, but you cannot worship God in Spirit until you surrender all.

The Holy of Holies

The Holy of Holies [The Most Holy Place]

The Most Holy Place [the Holy of Holies] houses the ark of the Covenant.
The Most Holy Place is the place of worship.
Only the Glory of God that shone through the ark gives Light in the Holy of Holies.
God’s manifest Presence was revealed to the high priest in the Holy of Holies. Even today, His glorious Presence is revealed to those who seek Him, and then, worship begins.

When we walk into the Presence of God, the flesh and the soul has no place.
In the Holy of Holies, the spirit of man stands alone, alive, naked before His God and Father.
This is the place of the Shekinah Glory.
As the intimacy gets deeper, it’s no longer you and Him; it’s only Him, because the heart beat becomes one, the thoughts, the same, the words one, the action one. Not two spirits, but One Spirit. You become one with Him, and all you see is Jesus.

In the Most Holy Place there is no physical light, no lampstand, and the high priest enters in only once a year. 
How then, does he see where he is going, and not bump on the ark?
And, if he touched it, he would be killed!

What kept him from bumping into the ark?
Only the Glory of God that shone through the ark gave him light.

In the Most Holy, there is blood over the Mercy Seat, Cherubim—the angels of judgment—the same cherubs that kept the way to the Tree of Life, are the same cherubs that protects the ark of the Covenant. They also protect the Glory of God.
The Seraphs of Isaiah 6 declare the Glory of God, and the cherubs of Ezekiel 1 protect the Glory. The living creatures in Revelation 4 are the angels of judgment, and the ark angels are the angels of war. And the other angels are ministering spirits; they bear God's Message and deliver them to the heirs of Salvation.
The cherubs have two offices: protection and judgment.

The Mercy Seat is propitiation, in other word; substitution. Jesus is our substitution, He is the Mercy Seat. He is our covering.

God asked Moses to place in there, manna; which speaks of the Living Bread, Aaron's rod that budded; which speaks of the Power of Resurrection and the Glory of God. And he also placed in there, the Law.
Just like there is a disconnection of the flesh as we step into the Holy Place, even so the soul is disrobed as we enter into the Holy of Holies.
Intercession unlocks the soulish realm.

There are two altars before you get into the Most Holy: "the altar of sacrifice," for the body, and "the altar of incense" for the soul.



Intercession comes before worship.
Intercession is stepping into your priestly office.
Intercession at a point begins to break into the third realm [the Holy of Holies] where intercession becomes worship. And when it becomes worship, the place of the altar of incense [place of intercession] becomes a place of transition from the soul to the spirit; from the Holy to the Most Holy.
When this happens, the soulish realm begins to tear away from you, and then, only the spirit man enters into the Holy of Holies.

Just like the smoke of the incense goes ahead of the high priest into the Most Holy Place as he opens the veil, even so, we can't enter into God's Presence without intercession. There, the high priest literally enters into a cloud of smoke, as the light from the lampstand shines through the smoke.
Intercession becomes our worship, and our worship becomes intercession.
Intercessions are the wings of worship. When you intercede, it’s like intercession carries you in. And now, worship erupts.
Intercession brings you into the Holy of Holies. It ushers you into worship.

Brokenness only takes place in the heart of man; in the spirit of man. When brokenness tears off the soul, you now enter into Truth.
And when worship begins, you experience Psalm 46
"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

  (verse 10, NIV)



There was noise in the outer court, crying in the holy place, but in the Most Holy Place there is silence.

What is worship?
Worship is not a song.
Worship is brokenness. Worship is intimacy and fellowship with God—where you become one with Him. The Blood becomes a reality, and you walk into the Presence of God alone with Jesus.

Praise stirs the soul, worship stills it.
Praise stirs emotions, worship stills it.
Praise activates the soul, worship shuts it down.

Worship dismantles the world from you.
Worship enables you to hear the Voice of the Shepherd.
Worship demands a revelation.

In praise and thanksgiving, it’s your voice, not His, but in true worship, you experience His Voice.

Holiness is a revelation. And this revelation begins to unfold at the altar of sacrifice. This is why we must come to the Cross, and surrender to Him. If you bypass the Cross, you will never receive a revelation of Who God is.
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. To day if ye will hear His Voice,
Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness
Ps 95:6-8 KJV

Worship enables us to hear the Voice of the Shepherd.
Worship begins with a revelation.
There is Rest in worship.

Unbelief kept the people of Israel from entering the real Sabbath—a Day of Rest. Therefore, later, in David, God said: "…there remains another day; a third Day of Rest for the people of God."
As recorded in Hebrews:
There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
For He that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His.
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Heb 4:9-11 KJV

In creation, God rested, and today, our Rest in Him is by faith.
"Rest" means you don't have to work; God will do it all. He is "the Man of War"; He will fight your battles.

Worship is our Sabbath.
The coming move of God is going to be a move of worship and exaltation.

According to John 4:21-24, the process of worship really begins when I die; when my body is totally yielded—offered as a living sacrifice.

When a man is joint to his wife, there is a letting go of oneself and union takes place; the two become one flesh. But he that is joint unto the Lord is one Spirit.

The body and the soul are incapable of worship. Only the spirit of man is capable to worship God.
In the blessed place of worship, intimacy with Jesus begins.

You can come into God's Presence in half an hour, an hour, or even in 15 minutes, and when you are in, you are not praising and shouting, you are not crying and interceding, you are just basking, and feasting on His Presence, tears become your language, and quietness your habitation. And you come to the place where silence becomes prayer and prayer becomes silence.

Come Holy Spirit I Need You

LORD, Come as ‘Divine Wisdom’ to Your child.
Come as "New Sight" to the blind.
Come Lord as "Strength" to my weakness.
Take me soul, body, and mind.

Come as “Rest” to the weary.
Come as “Revival” for the soul.
Come as “Dew” to my dry land.
Fill me with “Joy” evermore.

Come Holy Spirit I need You now.
Come sweet Spirit I pray.
Come in Your Strength and Power.
Come in Your own gentle way.

Come like a “Spring” in the desert.
Come to my troubled soul.
Oh, let Your sweet Healing Power touch me and make me whole.
In The Name of Christ Jesus.


The Vision of the Six Babylons

Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of 1985.

The Vision of the Six Babylons
In the second vision, I saw America from the outer atmosphere. In a spectacular panorama, I saw America in a glorious sweep from coast to coast and from north to south. I felt like I was flying at supersonic speed like a rocket or a missile just several hundred feet above ground. It was so majestic and beautiful! I saw the big major cities of the east coast with their tall sky scrapers, the mid-west with its’ miles of lush farm land, crossing the mighty Mississippi, and then the great plains and the prairie lands of the west, followed by the awesome Grand Canyon, the majestic mountains of the Rockies, all the way to the west coast, the Golden Gate bridge, followed by a sweep of southern CA, and then to the Pacific ocean all the way from Alaska to Hawaii. Then, suddenly, I saw fire begin to hit in small pockets and different cities, almost like one of those cold-war nuclear war arcade games that came out years ago. That’s the way it looked to me as I watched. Then I saw more and more explosions. It got bigger and bigger, and then big giant explosions began to happen all at once. They all went up in mushroom clouds. For what seemed like an eternity, although I knew it was only a few minutes in the vision, I couldn’t see anything but these clouds of dark smoke. Then it finally cleared. I was stunned at what I saw! The entire land of the United States of America was burnt and charred. From one end to the other, there was not one green thing growing. It looked like black, charred, and burnt ruins from sea to shining sea. It was totally wiped out!

The Lord then said to me, “This is the end of Babylon. She shall be utterly consumed with fire.”

I said to the Lord, “Surely, this can’t be America. Why will you allow such a thing?” He said, “This shall be the end of all nations that forsake Me for the idols of Babylon. They shall be utterly burned with fire. They shall never be rebuilt again. Only in the time of My Kingdom shall the nations be restored and then I shall create a New Heaven and a New Earth wherein dwells Righteousness. When the time is right, I will allow you to release these visions to warn My people to flee from the wrath to come.”

“My son, there are six different Babylons in the scriptures. (Note: See my teaching “The Wine of Babylon”) If you do not accurately discern which I am speaking of, you will not understand what I revealed to the prophets. There are three literal, historic Babylons and there are three prophetic end time Babylons. Like King Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the tree that covers the earth, so shall the entire earth be seduced by evil and deception under Satan’s power before My Kingdom is established upon the earth.

The first Babylon is the city that was built and the first tower was erected in the book of Genesis in that ancient city in the plain of Shinar. I judged it and scattered the people by creating many new languages on the face of the earth. This is the destruction of the tower of Babel.

The second Babylon is the ancient kingdom of Nebudchadnezzar where My people Israel were first sent into exile. It too was destroyed and will never be rebuilt again, though some have tried.

The third Babylon is the geographic region of modern day Iraq/Iran/Persia. The day will come soon when it too will be completely destroyed by fire and never rebuilt again.

The fourth Babylon is rising now. I also call it the Kingdom of Tyre by My prophets in the ancient world. It is the end-time worldwide economic system that will enslave the world through commerce, trade, and unjust usury (interest). Money is the god that is chosen instead of Me and shall enslave all that will not bow their knee at My Cross and surrender all for My Lordship and My Kingdom.

The fifth Babylon is called “Mystery Babylon”. It is the deception of all false religions that will ultimately ensnare all under the spirit of antichrist who forsake Me. The foundations of Mystery Babylon started in the ancient pagan world, but the foundation built in the Church Age comes out of the replacement theology of the Roman church. It is ultimately “the knowledge of the spiritual good in man” that shall be the ultimate deception. Man’s good works apart from Me shall never pay the price of the redemption of a soul. Only My Blood can do that.

The sixth Babylon is found in the wealthy nations of the last days that forsake Me and turn to idols. It is all the geographic regions of those that are made rich through the economic system of these times. They are found in the islands of the sea, in the havens of great wealth and nations where these resources are stored. When My people are finally removed from these nations and islands, My Judgment of fire shall consume them. Do not think that America shall be spared, for she has turned away from Me.

A part of this sixth Babylon is a city. It is described in the book of Revelation as the worldwide center for finances, trade, commerce, art, music and every fine and desirable thing of mankind. It is the new covenant city of Tyre. Mammon is its’ god. Satan’s economic throne is there. His pagan throne of human sacrifice is found in Calcutta, India. His false religious throne is built upon the seven hills of the Vatican in Rome. But the great city Babylon is New York City. Its god is money and riches. It shall be destroyed in “one hour” after My people – both Jewish and in the Church - shall be removed out of her. What city is like THIS city? It also shall be burned with fire and never be rebuilt again. America will also be completely destroyed by fire, if it does not repent and turn back to Me, as I showed you in this vision

Heaven the Capital of the Universe

                          Heaven the Capital of the Universe